Chapter 21: Hide n' Seek

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Nick's POV

"I'll count, the rest hide." Adam said then headed for a tree then began to count. I still wasn't sure about playing the game, it just reminded too much of what had happened.

Shelby had immediately started to try to push me into the forest with her. Cory was already heading into darkness, then disappeared, Alex was already gone, Rex and Uni were hesitant at first, then walked in together. I guess I was stuck with Shelby. We went in and started to look around. We saw Rex and Uni, but they disappeared quickly. Me and Shelby passed by a hollow tree and I couldn't stop my self from remembering.


After a day had past, I went back to the orphanage. I asked Janet where Uni, Rex, and Cory were, "Don't bother, they haven't came back since yesterday. Now scat!" She said and I walked out the building. I had decided to go back into the forest where I Rex had stopped the guy from grabbing me. I had expected them to return and meet up again, but it never happened. I walked around, remembering the forest like the back of my hand, we had played in their so much, it was basically home. I walked looking around at the familiar spot. I saw a clothes on the ground, the same clothes that guy had used to shut us up. I looked around and noticed an area with red splotches. I looked closer and realised it was blood.

I followed the trail. I was hoping it wasn't what I was thinking. I was hoping that if I followed this trail, I wouldn't find 3 corpses. I was hoping I wouldn't find my 3 friends dead. As I walked on following the trail I could feel my heart beat faster. I walked up to a hollow tree, I could something was inside, but I wasn't sure what. I stepped closer and I felt a sence of dread. Laying their, was Cory, his skin was pale and his face had a gash on the left side going from his eye to his chin. It was still bleeding, and it looked gross. I was frozen, when I realised it was Cory I yelled his name and ran up to him. I shook him saying his name, I was trying hard not to cry. I stopped shaking him and noticed there was blood on my hands. I then turned him over and saw on his back there were some deep stab wounds, and some long slices. I whined, "Cory." Then I smacked my self in my face.
"Check his pulse you idiot." I said mimicking Uni's voice. I checked his wrist and felt a faint pulse. "Hah!" I yelled. "You are stuck with me a little longer." I sat there for a while thinking. I wondered what had happened. I wondered if Uni and Rex were in a ditch somewhere dead, or almost dead like Cory hoping for help. I shook those thoughts out of my head. "Cory, Cory, Cory. What am I suppose to do with you?" I mumbled to myself.

"You could put me out of my misery." Cory said laughing.

"You're awake." I exclaimed and hugged him. Cory yelled in pain and tears filled his eyes. "I am really sorry." I said.

"Where is Uni and Rex?" Cory asked.

"I-I don't know." I said. "But right now we have to worry about you, can you stand?" I asked.

"How do you think I got here?" Cory said annoyed then coughed and his hole body shuddered.

"I know you don't like it, but you can have some of my mushroom stew." I said, then opened a can for him. He ate it with no complaint, at times he would stop and shut his eyes tightly as if trying not to throw it up. When he finished I helped him to his feet.

He stood up all wobbly it was like seeing a baby walk for the first time. Blood trickled from the wound on his face. He kept wiping the blood out of his eyes. Every time he took a step he flinched in pain. With every couple of feet, we took a break and I let Cory catch his breath. When we finally got back to the orphanage Janet was furious. Cory had passed out and fell to the ground right when we walked in the door. Janet screamed starteled. Then yelled at me to get a medical box. I did and she carried Cory upstairs and laid him on one of the beds. She had asked me to go home and I did. The next day, I went back. Janet asked me what had happened, I told her about us being attacked but she didn't believe me I sarcastically told her Cory had fallen out of a tree and she believed that. I was so frustrated with that lady, after our conversation I ran upstairs to Cory's, Uni's, and Rex's room. Of course only one bed was occupied and it was Cory. He laid their and his back and head were wrapped in bandages.
Flashback over

Shelby nudged me, "Let's go." I didn't move. "Come on." she said. "What are you two looking at?" A familiar voice said. I looked up and saw Cory smiling in a tree. He jumped down and stood next to me and looked at the hollow tree. "Ahh, memories." he said, "Yeah they sucked." Cory added in. "You wanna tell me about those memories?" Shelby said.

"No, not really." Cory said and smiled.

"Ready or not here I come!" Adam yelled echoing in the Forest. Shelby shoved Cory in the hollow tree, then grabbed my arm and pulled me in to. It was a very uncomfortable tight squeeze. I tried to move but there was barely any room. I pushed ," Oww!" She yelled as she smacked her forehead against Cory's. Cory then covered her mouth, "Shhhhhh."he hissed. Cory then shut his eyes. I knew what he was thinking. He was thinking of what would have happened if I didn't come back.

"It's okay Cory." I whispered. He slightly nodded but his eyes were still shut. I started hearing noises near the tree we were in. I swore I could hear laughing. My breathing started to get heavier. "Nick are you okay?" Shelby asked. I just nodded really rushed. Then quickly pulled my self out of the tree breathing heavily.

"Tag!" I heard Adam yell and he poked me. On instinct I formed an icicle pointing at his back.

"Wow! Calm down Nick it's just me." Adam said his hands in the air.

"Sorry, you... just scared me." I said. Shelby and Cory came out the tree.

"What were you two doing in there." Adam said nudging Cory. My first thought was; Having a panic attack.
Cory just said," Shut up."

"Well you're it Nick." Adam said.

They walked away leaving me their.

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