Chapter 47: Dust

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Jin's POV

As soon as the door opened, I noticed Shelby's and Cory's hands drop, I was perceptive like this and noticed little details.

The light was almost blinding, but I bet it looked very dramatic hitting the armor causing it to shimmer in the audience's view.

"We have two Guardians who were former soldiers here, so for our people's sake, you should be glad to know they are running the team. I present Adam, element of air and winds." The king said and Adam stepped forward proudly.

The crowd cheered seeing the familiar beloved guard now a Guardian.

"Next is Ross, a small time farmer. Element of Earth, but what should I say, even the unlikely can be likely."

Ross' parents cheered loud and proud for their son and it brought a smile on my face.

"We have Ross' cousin, Shelby Guardian of Life. "

Shelby stepped up with a big smile and waved shyly.

Many people cheered even louder hearing life finally be brought up and it looked like Shelby's necklace glew brighter.

"Now we have Nick, element of water. His parents were formal merchants and traders." The king stated.

Nick stepped up with the most suspicious grin he has ever gave.

"Thank you."he called out as people cheered.

"Now, we have a character with a troubled past, but now is making up for his wrongs, Guardian of Death; Cory, best known as Camera Face."

The crowd looked surprised but gave no difference in cheering or clapping, if Death was on their side, as well as life, something had to be going for them.

"Finally, a former student of my mage, Guardian of Magic Jin." The king said loud and proud pating me on the back.

I smiled proudly as I was shoved toward the front of the stage.

"Those are your 6 Guardians!" The king yelled in a chant and the drums sounded.

People cheered and Aphmua walked in front of me. She smiled at me holding one of many medals of honor we were to be presented. She kissed me on the cheek and put the medal around my neck.

She then went to Cory smiled and nodded and put a medal of Honor around his neck. Then Nick, Shelby, Ross, and Adam.

The king then spoke," We have 2 people here today who came from troubled times, as children they were taken away and through our faulty efforts never came back till now. They have helped us learn more about the Prodótis base, and what they are scheming, and have been their to help the Nero Kingdom by the Guardians side. Today I here by make Uni and Adam (Rex, have to be formal) knights and protectors of the realm. They will stand by the Guardians of Kalá's side, through thick and thin." The king said cheerfully.

He presented them with honorary swords and each of them got medal of Honor as well. The crowd roared in excitement.

"Let the celebration begin!" Aphmua yelled and everyone cheered and began to drift away, although some could not take there eyes off us. We walked down the steps and were bombarded by people.

A grin popped up on Nick's face and he was able to slip away from the crowd.

Rex and Uni were excitedly talking about their new postition. Cory was talking to Ross and Shelby. And I decided to head to Aphmua and Adam who were with the king.

Walking their, I saw the water from the fountain begin to move. It flew up making magnificent designs in the air. It all then flowed to Nick who was doing some weird dances with the water near a massive building. He was making a little twister now and I smiled.

Something caught my attention. The people began to act strangely, walking into walls, and at points bolted yelling about some invisible monster.

Yea there was wine, but it couldn't get you that drunk in that little amount of time. At one point some one walked in front of Nick and dropped a red cloth on the ground.

Nick being distracted by his own show ignored it. Then I saw another cloth fall near the king which was yellow.

Then another near the fountain a person was hiding somewhere, and that was the signal.

"Get the king!" I yelled at Adam and he leapt on the king just as I heard a little click from afar.

I jumped on Aphmua shielding her from the blast and everything went fuzzy.

Uni's POV

My vision was blurry I coughed dust and breathed dust. I looked around and saw rubble. Then, a familiar face appeared, or should I say mask.

A bright yellow mask with a giant smiley face was looking down right at me.

"Uni, Uni, Uni. Let's play a game. Show we? It's called, let's make the town people go insane!" He yelled laughing and soon I was hit with a delusional feelings. My legs felt wobbly and the unreal felt real. I heard Rex groan and I saw some of the conscious town people walk into walls and slam into one another.

It was quite a pathetic cite.

Some even coward in fear over delusional monsters. It was absolutely chaos.

I looked around and saw Cory leaning over a body. It took a while before I realised it was not an illusion and I scrambled over to him.

Cory was holding Nick, his shoulder looked out of place and he was bloody.

Cory hugged the body tightly and it shuddered. "Nick?" Cory questioned.

I looked around and saw Shelby on the ground, she didn't look injured at all, so I ran to her in panic.

"Wake up Shelby! Wake up!" I said as I shook her back and forth.

"You have to help Nick!" I demanded, but got no response.

I heard Nick moan in pain and I rushed to him and Cory. I tried to comfort them, but Cory resisted.

"You guys never listen! I told you this would happe-" Cory was saying before I interrupted.

"Calm down Cory." I said.

His eye twitched, "You never listen, I tell you something is going to happen you ignore it, you ignore me!"

"Calm dow-"

"No." Cory said interrupting me."Why don't you listen to me, why don't you guys ever listen to me!?" Cory's voice demanded attention.

"Because they don't care." A girl said with red hair resembling Shelby's.

She stepped near Cory.

"Get away from him Ashlie!" I yelled.

"We care Cory, we will save Nick if you come with us." She offered Cory.

"Cory, you can't. They did this." I said.

"He is dieing though, all you have to do is come with us, and we will give you a potion of healing as soon as we leave." The girl tempted Cory.

"Do not think irrational Cory." I said.

Cory looked at me than at Nick, he was dieing, I could see it in his eyes.

"Uni, I told you this would happen." He trailed off.

"I told you they were coming, you told me it was nothing. Nick is dieing and you didn't believe... Mitch is-s-s..." Cory pulled his mask off his belt and stared at it.

"Trust us, we are great listeners." Tommy said with a cheerful permanet grin.

Cory nodded and put his Camera Mask on.

Ashlie nodded and walked to him making clones of her self which picked up Nick.

"Time to cause some insanity!" Tommy laughed like a mad man. I felt my self drift deeper and deeper off. I could see, but couldn't.

The world was spinning round and round.

Cory, Nick, and Ashlie went out of sight.

Only Tommy was their standing over me with his creepy grin.

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