Chapter 1 [ why did you do that? ]

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Chapter 1


My heart rate fastened, my palms became sweaty and my joints became stiff. 

Aaliyah was standing in front of me, not taking her eyes off me. The whole store went quiet as their eyes shot from me to Aali. I swallowed the lump in my throat and bent down to pick up my cup and wiping the wet floor with a napkin. 

"It's okay, sir. I got it." One of the workers whispered to me. I smiled a stood up, giving Aaliyah one more look before walking out of the store. 

I felt my eyes starting to water and my heart starting to break. But why was she here in Sydeny, I thought she went back to Alberta? I sighed and ran my hands threw my hair. "Daniel! Daniel wait!" I heard someone  yell out. I turned around and seen Aaliyah running to me, my heart stopped and tears fell from my eyes before I could even wipe them away. 
She latched herself on to me and nuzzled her face into my chest. I didn't move, although I wanted to, I wanted to touch her back but I can't. I'm frozen. 

"Aali?' I questioned, not her, but mostly myself. I need to know that this isn't just one of those stupid dreams I have. 

"Yes." She breathed. I swallowed again, one hand coming down her back. I felt weak, no one even understands how much I've missed this girl. She literally takes the life out of me. 

My knees gave out, I hugged her thighs and cried into them. "Shh, it's okay." She cooed. Her hands running threw my hair. She bent down to me, her hands cupped my face, thumbs running over my cheek bones. She smiled at me before pulling me into a tight and long hug. 

I choked on my tears and hug her back, "Why did you do that to me." I asked. 

"Do what?" She asked.

"You left me, and then ran threw my dreams causing nightmares. It was fucking hell Aaliyah, why did you do that." 

She pulled away and looked at me. "I didn't mean to." She whispered, tears ran down her face too. I put my fingers to her face and wiped them away. "You know why I left." 

"But you said you'd be back. You promised." I told her with hooded eyes. 

Her hands went to the back of my hair, I breathed in her touch, goosebumps went threw me like  electric waves. I shuttered a breath and opened my eyes. "I know I promised, I've been looking for you but you left Melbourne." She told me, her eyes burning threw mine. "C'mon, let's get off this sidewalk. I live near here." She said, helping me up. 


She  brought me over a cup of tea and set it in my hands. I gave her a thank you and she sat down in chair in front of me. "So why do you live in Sydeny? I thought you were back Alberta?" I questioned.

She gave me a head tilt and then licked her lips. "Alberta just wasn't working out. I even moved away into Slave Lake, away from my parents. But everything just kept coming back." She said, moving her hands toward her face. "I stayed with my parents for about a year... But they continued to ignore me, and then Chance's funeral was their breaking point and they turned on me... And then they turned on each other, I needed out of there." 

"But why Sydeny?"  I asked, getting off the top of Chance. 

"Alec got out of jail." She said slowly, looking down into her cup. 

I tensed, "What? I thought he got like five years." 

"Yeah I know, but he got out a year early, and was set on finding me. I moved all over Alberta, even went somewhere I promised I would never go. Prince Edward Island." She shuddered.

"What's that?" 

"It's like this little island off of Nova Soctia and New Brunswick. It's like... Really nice to vist, but not a good place to live." 

"Why's that?" 

"There's a lot of drugs there, and everyone knows everyone because it's so tiny and once you do something bad or just really do anything to cause attention to yourself you're pretty much the talk of the town and you  really don't want that. They talk shit about you until the story is so far fetched you go from giving someone a black eye to biting their ears off while breaking every bone in their body." 

"Jesus." Was all I could say. I wanna say more, but I don't wanna push this. 

"So, I packed up again and moved back to Melbourne. Went to the house... A women answered the door with her child.. I got really fucking mad, realllllllllly fucking mad!" She said, stressing with her hands all cramped up. I laughed a little at her. "I thought that you got over me and started a family.. Which isn't a bad thing, if you did that's totally okay.. sort of? But then she was like, 'Daniel doesn't live here anymore.' I just stared at her." I stopped, I leaned forward and put my forearms on my thighs. "Then she goes 'He said that if a girl shows up here with big eyebrows to say that.' I started laughing, like full out falling over laughing." 

I started laughing with her, "I told her thank you then asked if she knew where you went,she told me she didn't know and closed the door in face, rude. Anyway, I literally went everywhere. This," She said, moving her fingers in between us, "Took almost two years find." 

"It's been three." I told her.

"I know, oh I know." She said, leaning back into her chair. 

It was quiet for a few moments, the only sound was when one us took a sip from our cups. I cleared my throat, "I never moved on." I told her, her head snapped back toward me. 

Her eyes were wide, "Really?" 

"Yup, never even thought about it." I said, leaning back on the couch and putting my knee up, letting my hand fall over it.  "But I'm guessing you did." I said, pointing to the picture on the wall. It was that guy from Starbucks, he was holding her and kissing her cheek. 

"Jax?" She burst into a fit of laughter. I raised an eyebrow at her, "Oh you actually thought that me and Jax were a thing?" 

"Yous look like something?" I questioned her.

"No no, he's like... A brother." She cleared her throat. "Yeah..." 

"Let's not." I said, putting my hands in front of me and bowing my head. 

"We're not a thing at all." She gave me a small smile. 

I let out a big sigh of relief and rubbed my face. "Holy fuck." I said to myself out loud. I stood up and started walking over to her.

"Wha-" I cut her off by pulling her up off the chair and picking her up on me and smashing my lips on her. It felt so right, I've never wanted anything more.

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