Chapter 29 {Later than we thought}

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Chapter 29


it's been seven months, that means there's only two months left. And I can't wait.

Aali's belly is huge, and I don't mean that in a disrespectful way. But she is, her belly is huge and carrying my baby girl.

Jayden and Aali had their baby showers on the same day because they'll most likely be having their babies on the same day. I wasn't allowed there, girls only, which kind of pissed me off.

I wanted to know if Aali or anyone was asking questions and what Aali's answers to the questions were. But instead me and Jack went put for a few beers and we chatted, he's an alright guy but I had to cut him off. He can't hold his liquor any better than a 7th grade girl.

He told me he's scared as fuck to be a dad, but excited at the same time and I can't help but feel the same.

"What if I can't do something right away or give him something. I don't want my own boy to hate me."

"They grow up, you'll probably get it a few times." I set my beer down and leaned back, "you got it easy." I laughed.

"How so?"

"I'll be having two girls, four if you count the dog and cat. The hormones going threw that house, oh fuck." Jack laughed, "and you're having a boy, its easier to deal with the girlfriends."

"True that, mate. True that." he took a swing of his beer and ordered another one.

Heights hired a bunch of university kids to hold his shop down while both girls are out on their leave. But at least he only has to pay the new kids half of what he pays Aali and Jayden, only because they're Uni students.

And, so Aali says, because they're taking a program and going to university they'll get a few dollars to help pay off their loans.

Aali's going crazy sitting at home all day, I've noticed. She's up and she's down, she's watching TV and then she's playing with her hands. She's downstairs cleaning, sleeping on the couch or sleeping in our bed.

Sometimes she'll do things, start them and then leave them half way through. And unfortunately, I've been put back into working at the building.

But if I get a call saying Aali's in labour I'm good to go. My boss said he would give me next month off from the office to work at home. I don't see the point, there's nothing for me to do and all anyone does at that place is eat and talk.

"Aali, I'm home." I placed my keys on the counter and wait for a response. But I didn't get any. "Aali?" I walked into the ensuite bathroom in our room and see her leaning over the counter with her hand over her stomach.

My eyes go wide and I rush over to her. "Are you okay? what's going on? do we need to go to the hospital? you're only seven months, is it even possible to be in labour now?" I rush out, almost into one whole sentence.

"Daniel. Shut. Up." She barks, guess I deserved that. "No I'm fine, just contractions." She waved me away.

"You sure? is everything good though?"

"Yes, baby, yes." She stood up and put her hand on her back to support herself. "I wanna lay down." she pouted. I helped her over to the bed and she plopped with a sigh, her hand going to her forehead and her eyes closed tightly shut.

"Need anything?" I half whispered.

"Yes a cold clothe please and some iced water." I nodded my head and got what she needed. She gets these massive headaches and bad heartburn but apparently that means our baby is gonna have a lot of hair.

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