Chapter 28 {pregnancy problems}

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Chapter 28


I've noticed Aali starting to struggle with a few normal things that she never did before. I can't help but laugh as she grunts to reach for a glass or pull her pants up, I love seeing her belly sticking out and reminding me that my baby girl is in there.

She can't sleep lately, not even warm milk will help her. "Goddamn it!" I walk out into the kitchen at 3 am and see Aali standing on a chair to get a glass.

"Want some help?" I asked, rubbing my arm. It's starting to cool down a little bit here.

"I just wanna sleep." she grumbles, leaning on the counter. "Let me sleep." she whispers to her swollen belly.

"Why can't you sleep?" I never understood the whole 'not sleeping thing' with pregnant people, I see over weight people sleeping fine, so what's the differnece?

"Daniel.." she laughs and shakes her head. "She moves non-stop now and she's hungry! My god is she hungry, and thirsty, I'm always drinking something." She laughs as tears slip her eyes. "I can't wait till she's out."

Oh and Aali is very moody.

She cries for no reason one minuet and the next she's screaming at me for a whopper from Burger King. And then she'll act like nothing happened, I can't keep up.

"Are you hungry right now?" I walk over to her and grab her hands and bring them to my face. "I can go get you something."

"It's 3 in the morning, are you crazy?"

"Crazy in love." I wink at her. She laughs and then nods her head, "what'll it be? chocolate milk shake from macdonald's with a large fries on the side?"

"Ugh yes please. Mama's Gatta eat." She shoos me away and sits on the couch turning the tv on.


I settle for a rerun of the boys MTV show, they only play it at night because of all the shit they use to do and because it's an old show. I'm puking at some of the stuff they did, fucking disgusting.

My hand is on my stomach feeling my baby kick her feet and punch me. It's a weird feeling, but defiantly an even weirder site. I can sit here, sometimes for hours, just watching my belly go up and down and sometimes I can see her fingers.

Yeah I cry, obviously. It's beautiful, carrying a life form of you inside your own belly.

The door opens not even an hour later with Daniel holding a bag in one hand along with my milkshake and then in his other his drink which is latched to his mouth.

I run over and take some things out of his hand. He smiles at me and says thank you. "Can we eat in our room?" I pout. He rolls his eyes playfully at me and takes the food into our room and turns the tv on. I get in beside him and chug half my shake before stuffing my fires in my mouth.

"Our baby is gonna be fat." I say laughing. Daniel nods his head in agreement, all I eat right now is fast food. I've tried eating healthy but I throw it back up. This is defiantly my kid.


Daniel fell asleep about two hours ago, I, on the other hand, have only gotten a half hour of sleep in those two hours. I'm totally exhausted, this baby is to busy for only being close to 6 months.

I get out of bed and start to roam, I like roaming this house. It has a peaceful vibe to it, especially downstairs, which is where I'm going.

I push the door open and walk down only to be greeted by a sleepy Lexi. I giggle and pet her, Laying on the couch with her, she snuggles herself as close as she can to me and lays her head on my belly. "Aw lexi." She looks up at me and then rolls back over. We lay like this for a few minuets, just me and her feeling the bumping of the baby.

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