Chapter 8 {Gotcha}

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Chapter  8


"Daniel..." I heard someone say beside me, my body shook back and fourth. "Daniel, wake up." I swatted at the noise and turned over. "Daniel please!" I opened my eyes and turned over and seen Aali almost in tears.

I shook the sleep from me and rubbed my eyes, "What's wrong?" I asked, propping up on my shoulders. 

"I think someone's in the kitchen." She whispered and pointed out the door. 

Before I could reply and tell her to go back to sleep, a loud bang from the kitchen. I shot up, Aali grabbed my arm and sat up on her knees in the bed. "Stay here babe, I'll be right back." 

"No Daniel, please." 

"There is someone in my home, that's bad enough. But when there is someone in my home and could hurt you, that's even worse. I mean it Aali, stay here!" I whispered-shouted and pointed to the spot she was now sitting in. 

"Be careful." She said rubbing her arm up and down. I kissed her forehead and slowly crept out in the kitchen. 

The papers and the cup that was on my coffee table in the living room were knocked on the ground and the bottle of Advil was knocked off the counter in the kitchen, pills spilt everywhere.  I held my breath as I walked over to the counter in the kitchen. "Ah fuck!" I screamed, stepping in the glass. I heard Aali get out of bed "Aali, get back!" 

"Is anyone out here?" 

I looked up and seen my cat sitting on the counter, her big eyes wide as she starred at me. I laughed, "No no, come here." 

She walked out into the kitchen, my shirt hanging mid thigh while she stood in only her panties. I found myself bitting my lip to keep in the moan that was about to fall from my mouth. "Stay there though, it's broken glass."

"So someone is out there." 

"No, babe. Come here." She walked a little further. "Oh my god! What's that!" She shouted in excitment. 

"My cat, her name is Nala." I explained, Aali looked at me with wide eyes as she starred between me and Nala. "She knocked everything over."

"Well now I feel silly." She giggled, clearly the liqour hasn't fully left her system. "Come here." She said to the cat, moving her fingers together to get Nala's attention. Nala came trottening over towards her and rubbed her head all over Aali's hand. "Hi Nala." She said, putting her face against Nala's; rubbing it around hers. "So fluffy." Aaliyah cooed.

"Yeah, it was the big eyes that got me." I told her while I watched them interact. 

"They're huge." 

"They reminded me of you, so." 



"How?" She tilted her head at me.

I laughed and walked over to her, moving my face close to hers. She looked down at the ground and I saw a hint of pink on her cheeks. I used my finger to tilt her head up towards me, "Because you've got huge blue eyes. And as soon as i seen the eyes on that cat, I couldn't say no." I spoke softly. 

She shooed me away while giggling. "Can we take her to bed?" She asked, holding Nala. 

Their faces were pressed together and their eyes were the exact same, big and blue. I laughed and nodded my head, "Yes, but let me clean this up first. You two go and i'll be there in a sec." 

She nodded her head and headed off with Nala in her arms. I got the broom and dust pan and started cleaing up the glass. I picked up the papers and placed them back on the table and then proceeded to the bottle of pills that  spreaded across the floor. 

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