Chapter 11 {Promotion party p.1}

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Chapter  11


This presentation is going to be the fucking death of me. Why did I take up Law? 

I wasn't the Lawyer, but I was person who came up with ideas on how to make the business better and more 'green.' Because no one wants to be part of a business that's over-using energy and not recycling. 

I worked for Freehills, but they're changing their name to Herbert Smith Freehills and associates, my idea to change the name came whenever I heard someone making fun of the name at a restaurant one night. "It sounds like some horror movie like The Hills Have Eyes, 'Freehills.' If I was to get into an accident I'd be almost scared to go there."

  I told the head office and they all nodded their heads and agreed that a change in name was probably need.  

So here I was, trying to figure out a new promo commercial for the company. I mostly worked at home, sending in my work but this time I had to go in. 

I sat back in my chair, pen between my teeth. The fact that most Law firms in Australia used really cheesy commericals made me wanna make ours the top. We were the in the 'Big Six' for Sydney Law firms, so it had to be big. 

I spent three hours watching other's commericals, their voices were so monotoned, which made sense because they were talking about accidents and such, but there needed to be some kind of enthusisasm in it or people are going to turn the channel on us. 

I sighed and rubbed my face. 

"Ah yes!" I said to myself as I got an idea. My pen hit the paper and I couldn't stop, the ideas just kept flowing. 


"I'm hoping there's going to be something good on the USB stick, Mr.Sahyounie." My boss said, patting my back.

"Have I ever disappointed?" I laughed.

"Well, that's one thing I can give you." 

[a/n] k the things on the side, but you don't even have to watch it. i just kinda found it on youtube and honestly, this commercial is way better than any of the ones i see here in canada. just saying, anyway. back to the story.


The commerical ideas ended and everyone, inculding my boss, stood up and clapped their hands. "We'll go with the third idea, it seems better to give out clients a view of Sydney and show what we do in the office so they're not left in the dark."  He walked over to me, "Good job, mate." He patted my back. 

"Thank you, Sir." I gathered up all my sheets and took the stick of the computer and started to head out. 

"Wait, Daniel."I turned around and seen my boss poking his head out of his office door, "Come here." I walked back down the hall and into his office. "That was a very good presentation, you're full of ideas." 

"Thank you." I said, giving him a big smile. I've always liked to be told I did a good job, even if I already knew I did. It was nice to assurance. 

"With that being said,"  He clapped his hands and walked in front of his desk, sitting on the edge of it. "How would you like to direct and edit our new commercial? I know you use to be with those boys whenever you were younger, you guys always did good on your videos, you could do it right?"

I gulped, "I can see." 

"Also, I wanted to give you a raise." He turned around and sat back behind his desk.

"What really?" I was surprised, it was hard to get a raise around here, unless you were fucking him. But he doesn't exactly make my type. 

"Hmm, I was thinking an extra 15?"

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