Chapter 5 {He stayed the night?}

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Chapter 5


I looked over at my clock beside my bedside table, it's already 6:30 and I need to get up and get ready for work. I groaned and slowly got out of bed, careful not wake Daniel  up. 

I made my way to the small bathroom that was attached to my bedroom and brushed threw my hair before turning on the shower. I stepped in and moaned as the water pressure smacked against my worn out muscles. I grabbed the shampoo and lathered it threw my hair, rinsed and grabbed the conditioner. 

A quick shave with the razor and my body wash being washed off my body I was done. 

I stepped out, grabbing my towel and drying off. I grabbed my moisture from under the sink and rubbed it over my legs. I find that if you moisturize your legs after you shave it keeps them smoother longer. 

I walked into my room and bit back a laugh as I looked at Daniel's sleeping body sprawled across my bed, snors were admitting from his mouth.  I went threw my closet looking for my uniform and grabbing a bra and a pair of panties before returning to the bathroom. 


I put my toast in the toaster and tided my hair back while waiting for it to pop, it was only 7:10 I still had another 40 minuets before I had to leave. The toaster popped and I poured my coffee before putting jam on it and sitting down at the table. 

I scrolled threw my phone, and found  a text message from Jax. 

Jax: Need a ride to work?
Me: Yes please, just gonna put on my makeup and I'll be ready. 
Jax: Alright, be there soon. 

I finished up my toast and coffee before returning to my room to brush my teeth and put on mascara. My phone buzzed, Jax letting me know that he was outside. I gave Daniel a quick kiss before grabbing my jacket and running out. 

I smiled and waved at Jax as he opened my door for me, "Merci." I laughed. 

"You're very welcome." We both laughed, but Jax's laughing came to a halt and he stared ahead of me.

"What?" I asked, confusion itching across my face as my eyebrows came together. 

"Why is he here?" Venom was spat at me with JAx's harsh question.

I knew exactly who he was refereeing to. "We had a little date night last night." I blushed, remembering what happened.

"So he stayed the night?" Jax half screamed. 

"I have to be at work in 20 minuets, think we could take this up another day?" I spat back, my annoyance with Jax hasn't exactly disvolved from the last time I seen him.

"Whatever." He shrugged. 


"Hey Aali!" Jayden called from behind her desk. 


"Ou, babe, you look different today." She commented, getting up from behind her desk. I looked at her, confused as her hand moved my face from side to side. "You look.. Happy?"

"K whoa!" I said, swatting at her hand. "But if you must know." I looked up at her, a smile pulled at her face and I couldn;t help but do the same. "I am very happy."  I gushed. 

"Tell me tell me!" She said, she looked like a little kid. 

"Daniel's back." I smiled, blushing as I pulled my shoulders up to my face. 

"What no way!" 

Jayden is the only one other than Jax that knows about mine and Daniel's situation. I nodded my head, my smile growing wider and tears formed in my eyes. "Oh Aaliyah, I'm so happy for you." 

"Aaliyah!" I turned and wiped the tears offs my face as my boss called me into his office. I said bye to Jayden and walked into the overly massive office. "We have three dogs coming in today from a rescue, think you could look them over for me?" 

The worst thing about being a Veterinarian Assistant, is you're literally the Vet's bitch. Whatever they don't wanna do, you have to.  I didn't mind though, I loved helping animals and I loved my job, even when I have to clean up throw up and poop. "Yes Sir." 

"And another thing." I turned back around and looked at him, "I'm having a party tonight, do come?" His smiled was to wide. Mr.Heights has been after me ever since I started my On The Job training here two years ago.

"Can I bring a plus one?" 

"Sure." He said overly excited. 

"I'm sure Daniel would love to come." I clapped my hands together. His smiled slowly faded,  I don't understand why he think he has a chance.. One, he's been married three times, and Two, he's like 40. I'm only 22.


I woke up and rolled over, expecting to have Aali right beside me. But to my disappointment it was a note, 

Hey! I have to work today, you can stay agian if you'd like. Do what you wanna do, there's guy stuff in the shower if you wanna have one here, if not. Your car keys are on  the counter (: If  I don't see you when I get home I'm sure I'll see you some other time. xxx Aali. 

I didn;t know Aali worked? I looked at the clock, it was only 11:00? What kind of job makes you get up so damn early? I groaned, walking out into the kitchen. I seen her work schedule on the fridge, "She's a vet?" I questioned. Since when? I huffed and looked threw her cupboards for food, I'm damn  hungry. But all her stuff was health freak food. "Gross." I whispered. I walked back into her room and decided to shower.


I got out of the shower and walked into Aaliyah's room, curiousity came over me and I decided to look threw her clothes to see if she had anything of mine hanging around. From when we broke up she had a few pieces in her bags, I don't know if she noticed but I did after she left. I looked threw her drawers but found nothing. I strod over to her cloest and looked threw her shirts and sweaters, "There's one." I laughed, taking my grey and black hoodie off the rack. I kept looking, to my surpirse, the back half of her closet had more than a few pieces of my clothing. I laughed, but then it  made me sad. 

I thought about her holding one my sweaters and crying into it. 

I shook the thought away. 


"Is Aaliyah working?" I asked the girl at the desk.

"Who might you be?" She smiled.


Her eyes went wide, and she looked over her desk and behind my back. Her cheeks heated up, "Oh shit. Yeah one sec." She walked  down the hall, I heard her voice call out.  "Aaliyah!" 


"Someone's here for you." She cleared her throat before walking back to her desk, she sat behind it with a big smile on her face as she pretended I wasn't there. 

"Who's her-" Aali stopped mid-sentence and stared at me. "Oh my god." She smiled. 

"Come here." She walked over to me, her hands touching my face. 

"I wasn't expecting to see you until I got home, or a little after that." 

"Thought I'd come and see you before I have to leave." 

Her face fell, "Leave?" She questioned. I nodded my head, "Where are you going?" Her voice got frantic and her eyes searched my face. "Daniel!" She shoved me. 

"Whoa hey now." I said, holding out my hands to give her the flowers I brought her. "I meant go home, I work from home." I explained.

Her face relaxed and her shoulders dropped, "Holy fuck." She breathed, holding her chest. She took the flowers, "These are beautiful. " She smiled. "But hey, my boss is having a party tonight and I reallllllly need you to come." 

"I don't know if I can.."  I said, rubbing the back of my neck.

"No Daniel, you don't understand.. I need you to come.." She whispered, her eyes wide, as if she was trying to tell me something. I looked down at her, she came close to me. I put my hands on her arms and she stepped closer, "Please?" 

"I guess so." I smiled down at her.

"If not, I guess I could ask Jax." I scowled down at her. "Kidding kidding, me and him got into a fight this morning anyway so." She scuffed. 

"This morning?"

"Yeah he takes me to work on his way to work, but I don;t think he'll be doing that anymore." She shrugged. 

"What time is the party?" I asked changing the subject.

"Ah, 8 I think?" She looked over at the girl behind the desk. She nodded  her head at Aali. "It's black tie, so dress up." 

"Are you saying this doesn't look nice?" I teased.

"Wait." She pulled my sweater at the bottom and then looked at my black jeans. My heart started pounding,what if she gets mad? "Is this.." She trailed off. She stepped back, "Nevermind." She waved it off and told me to meet her at her bosses house. 

"Can't I pick you up?" 

"If you want to." She smiled.

"I'll be there at 7." 

"Aali! We need help!" Someone from the room called, She mouthed a sorry before running down to the room they called her too. 



I got out of the shower and decided to walk around in my towel for a bit. It was only five so I had some time. I but a bowl of Uncle Ben's rice in the microwave and waited for it to heat up, my favourite thing in the world. 

I ate and went back up stairs to get ready, brushing my teeth first. 

I looked in my closet and found a dress I had worn to party a few years ago, hopefully it still fit. I slipped it on and reached back for the zipper. I got it half way up but struggled with the last half of it. I huffed, my arms still stretched behind my head, ready to scream. Until I felt a pair of warm hands slid the zip up. I smiled and turned around. "Thank you." I giggled. 

"No problem, but you should really  lock your door.." Daniel said before placing his arms on shoulders. 

"I thought I did." I scrunched my nose. I stood back and admired his outfit, "You look amazing." I said, giving his butt a little slap. He jumped and swatted at my hand,  I giggled and turned back to my mirror and applied my makeup. I decided on a brown smokey eye, something I've become highly pro at, if I do say so myself. 

"Hurry up, I wanna get there. There's gonna be a tone of food!" He wined from my bed.

"Easy." I laughed. I put in my earrings, filling all three holes and walking out of the bedroom, Daniel hot on my heels.  I slipped on a pair of black Toms and just a simple, fake diamond ring. 

"That's the thing I love about you." Daniel said from behine me.  I looked back at him, my eyebrows frowning together. But as much as I wanted to look at his face, I found myself checking out his outfit and how it outlined his toned body perfectly. The colour of blue on his button up dress shirt he was wearing really complimented his face and eyes. And the black dress pants hung low around his hips made his ass look incredible, I bit my lip as a hand shook in front of my face. "Aali! Hello?" I shook my head and looked at Daniel, he started laughing, "Anyone in there, mate?" 

"Don't call me mate." 

"Why not?" His voice full of humor.

"It's what you call your buddies, not me."

"You're  my buddy aren't you? ... Mate." He started laughing. To be honest, it hurt knowing that I was exactly what he said, Just a buddy to him.

Not his girlfriend or any of the sort. But I brushed it off, "Anyway, what were you saying?" 

"The thing I love most about you is that you're just so simple, no heals or no 400 dollar boots or anything like that. Just Toms or Vans, sometimes just Converses." 

I blushed, "Yeah well." I joked.

He put his arm around me, "Let's go." 


"Fuck this is his house!" Daniel said in awe. 

"He owns a Vet clinic, Daniel. I think his house should be a little bit bigger if you asked me." Never once will  I ever compliment my boss, he's an absolute creep and needs to know his morals. Or how to get some...

"But still, I thought our house was big." 

I almost choked. 

"Oh sorry...." He said, his head bowed. 

"It's fine let's go enjoy our time okay?" I smiled, opening the door. 

"Aali! You made it!" Mr.Heights said, walking towards me with arms opened. I almost scuffed out loud, his arms wrapped around me, I almost threw up. 

"Yeah, told you I would be here."I faked smiled, patting his back.

"And who do we have here?" He asked, letting go of the hug but keeping his arm drapped around me. I shrivered and pushed it off me lightly before walking back to Daniel, his arm  instantly wrapping around me. 

"This, Mr.Heights, is Daniel Sahyounie." I smiled, maybe a little bit to proudly. 

I felt  Daniel stiffen beside me, did he know him or something....

"Mr.Sahyounie." Heights said, shaking Daniel's hand.

Daniel reached out and shook it, "Mr.Heights." He nodded. "You've got a nice place here." He complimented, again, almost scuffed out loud. "

"Nice boy." Mr.Heights said to me, nodding towards Daniel.

I wanted to correct him, Daniel was a man, not a boy. I just smiled and nodded toward him. "Anyone want a drink?" Mr.Heights asked. 

"Yes please." Daniel said, following him into the kitchen, leaving me alone. I watched him walk off with my boss, my eyes scanning up and down his body until he was out of sight.


"So." Aali's boss said  whilehe poured two glasses. He handed me one, "What do you think Aali's type is?" 


"You mean, like in men?" I asked, slightly confused as to why her boss was asking this. 

He nodded his head, staring at me. "Does she like  younger.. Or older?" 

"Well I'm older than she is." I pointed out, I don't know where this is going.

"So older then?" He raised an eyebrow. I nodded carefully. "Makes things eaiser." He mumbled to himself.

"I'm sorry?" 

He looked at me over the rim of his glass and cocked an eyebrow at me, "I'm gonna ask her out." 

K whoa.

"With all do respect Sir, I think you're a little bit to old for her?" 

He set his glass down, "Age doesn't matter when it comes to love." What the fuck is he talking about?

"Again, all do respect, but I don't think she loves  you? I don't even think she really likes you.. Like professionally. "

"How would you know, you just met her." He barked at me. Is he joking? He sounds like a 40 year old child. 

"Listen, all I'm saying is you don't know her and I've known her since she was 18, 19." We looked strenly at each other. "You're old enough to be her dad..." I added, "And you're her boss, that's not exactly the best thing for a boss to have under his belt. His empolyee." 

He cleared his throat, and looked behind me. "Aali, how are you doing."   I looked behind me and seen Aali walking toward me, her arms wrapped around me and drapped mine over her, bringing her impossiably close to me.  "See." I said, raising my glass to him. He swallowed, I was about to walk away with her under my arm until I heard a voice I swore I'd never hear again. I stopped in my tracks and turned around. 

James Heights was standing in the doorway. 

I turned around, fuck I knew that last name sounded familiar. Last time I seen this guy was whenever me and the others almsot kicked the shit out of him for beating on James Yammounie's girlfriend. 

My teeth grinded and you could tell his did too when his eyes fell on me. Almost four years later and I still couldn't get what that asshole did out of my fucking brain. 

My head twitched slight as he said my name, "Daniel Sahyounie,what a nice surprise." His eyes fell on Aali, looking her up and down. "Aaliyah." He nodded at her. 

"Hi..." She said timidly, I noticed and looked at her. 

"We were just leaving." I said, twrilling Aali around with me. 

"Whoa mate, you need to take an easy here. It was four years ago, let it go." My glass dropped on the floor before I turned around and threw my fist at his face.

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