Chapter 9 {Number 3}

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Chapter 9

It was like I hated  talking about babies with her, but loved it at the same time, and I mean loved it. "Now?" I asked. She nodded her head and bit her bottom lip to stop the quivering of it. 

"I'm just so in love with them." She admitted, "Just knowing that I had life inside me." Her tears spilt out.

"I know, but don't cry please." I cooed, rubbing her arms. She laid her head on my shoulder and looked at me, I had to move my head back to look down at her. Her tears were falling silently as she starred at me, "You know, even when you cry," I said, rubbing her tears off her  face, "You're still the most beautfiul girl in the world." She cracked a smile at me and sniffed. 

"The other day I was at the gym with Luke and all these people were starring at me." She said out of the blue. She sat up and I gave her a funny look.

"Why did you go with Luke?" It came out more harsh than it should've.

"Because I needed a work out." 

"No you don't, but I could've went with you? Why didnm't you ask me to come?" The jealousy is pretty obvious at this point. I don't Luke watching her work out, or anyone for that matter. 

"Because, I'm fat." She patted her stomach, I was waiting for her to start laughing. But she just cried more. "I am." 

"Really Aali?" My voice dropped to an all new level of disappointment. "Why do you think that?" 

"I know that." She whispers. 

"Is that why you're all obsessed with all this heathly shit, Aali's what's wrong with you!" I stood up, causing her to fall to the ground."oh shit." I grabbed her hand and helped her up, but she pushed me away. "Aali, I'm sorry..." I tried to tell her. But she backed away from me and walked into the kicthen, I followed her. Her palms were pressed against the ledge as she leaned back and fourth on them. "I'm sorry." I touched her back but she stiffened, "What's wrong?" 

She looked at me and then back at her feet. "I hate myself." She whispered, "I hate myself." She repeated, only this time louder. "Hate myself." She choked on her tears and fell to the floor. 

I dropped down beside her, "Why?" 

"You left me, baby left me, Chance left me. Everyone left me..." 

"No baby, you left me." I corrected. But she shook her head, "You left me." I said, giving her a little shake, she refused to make eye contact with me as I started to recall the story. "I left the hotel and came to Andrew's to get you, but you told me you were leaving." 

"Because you don't love me." 

"Aaliyah! Are you crazy?" I got off the floor and started pasing around. "Are you fucking crazy?!" I tried not to scream at her, but I couldn;t help it, she made me so mad. "ARE YOU?" She shook her head. "I don't love you, you have to be fucking crazy. Fucking crazy! 

I couldn't stay here, I couldn;t watch her tears fall and fight with her while she's drunk. So I did what she would've done. 

I left. 



I woke up, hand instantly going to my head and around my neck. Fuck I'm sore. I looked around and noticed I was on the kitchen floor in my flat, a broken bottle was smashed beside me. 

I narrowed my eyes and slowly got up, having to use to the counter to stable myself. I think I'm still half drunk? "Daniel?" I called out, that's the only thing I think I remember about last night, Daniel being here. I made us supper and then we took shots. 

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