Chapter 8 {Stitched heart.}

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Chapter 8

"Whoa she's beautiful." Daniel said, getting on the floor and calling over Lexi. 

"Careful of her ne-" I tried to warn, but Lexi yelped out and ran away behind my legs. "Neck." I laughed out. "She had to have surgery, she's healing really well actually." I said to him.

"Why surgery?" He asked,standing up and walking over to me. 

"Her collar was embedded in her neck, and I'm guessing the owners before me didn't have the money to get it removed, it is very costly to have something like that done. So here she is." I smiled down at her, I patted behind her ears and she rubbed up against my hand, licking it.

I giggled, "I like the two coloured eye thing she's got going on." He said. 

"Hmm, very common in Australian Shepards." We both looked down at her, she titled her head up to us, "Want anything to eat?" I asked, he nodded his head and walked behind me into the kitchen. I opened the cupboards and scanned for something quick to make.  I closed the cupboards and looked at Daniel, "Grocery shopping?" I laughed. 

He snaked his arm around me and kissed the middle of  my chest, "Go get dressed." 


I found a pair of blue ripped jeans and short sleeve black vneck, I put a brown belt threw the hoops of the jeans and walked out. Daniel was playing with Lexi, be careful of her neck. My eyes scanned him, he too, was wearing a short sleeve black vneck, but his muscles filled out the sleeves in them as for mine...It was pretty loose around the arm area. I couldn't help but feel a  little jealous of  Daniel, he didn;t even have to try and he stilled effortlessly amazing.

I loved how his tan pants were tight in all the right places, giving me a better view, wink wink . "Ready?" I asked. He turned his head towards me and nodded his head. We said  goodbye to Lexi and walked down the building and into Daniel's car. "You know," I said while trying to get in. "I never could get in this thing properly." I complained.

"What do you mean?" The humor was clear in his voice. 

"Oh you know what I mean, you love  seeing me struggle to get in this beast." I put my buckle on and looked over to see Daniel starring at me. Amusment was dancing around in her brown eyes as he licked his smirked up lips. I groaned and looked away from him.

"I hate seeing you struggle baby." He told me, but didn't look at me. Just kept his eyes on the road as we pulled out. 

The comment sounded like it was suppose to be more 'deep' than I let on, he sounded like he was getting on to something but I dont know. It's not like I actually am struggling? 

"If you hated it then you would've traded this huge thing in for something smaller." 

"What? Like your Jetta? Nooooo thanks." 

"There's nothing wrong with my Jetta! Take it back!" I said, slapping his arm. 

"Aali, the thing barely works. I'm surprised you even made it to Heights' house without breaking down on the side of the road." He bursts out laughing.

"Heyyyyyy!" I whine. 

"Oh I'm only joking, babe." I slumped in my seat, "At least think about geting something a little new. You've had that car since you were, what? 16, right? You're 22 almost 23 now, you're a little out dated." He explained. 

I sat there and took in his words, he is right.. "But-" 

"No buts! It's not like you can't afford one? You put more money into a waste of metal than you would for a new car payment, think about it. You're constantly paying to get something on that car fixed, I know I'm right because whenever we were first together that car was a piece of shit." 

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