Chapter 27 {Dramatic experience?}

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Chapter 27


The screaming coming from his mouth is scaring the living shit out of me. "Daniel? DANEIL!" my arms are becoming weak from trying to shake him from the state he's in. Why does he keep screaming my name, why is he doing this!

"Come back! COME BACK!" his eyes are wild and filled with tears, his hands are covering his ears and pulling at his hair at the same time. "AALI COME BACK!"

"I'm here! Daniel!" his shoulders slip from my hands as his body hits the ground. I cry out and try to grab him before his head hits the floor and does some damage, but I fail and his whole body falls with a thud. "Daniel?" I sob, wiping my tears away from my face and crawling over to him.

I walk out of the room and grab the house phone, "I need an ambulance please." I tell them my address and give them the reasoning for the call.

I drive to the hospital in my car praying he's okay and nothing serious is wrong. "Please god please." I cry, my hands tight around the wheel. My eyes are blurred with tears as I drove for what felt like hour.

When I finally get to the hospital the doctors don't let me see Daniel and I'm already going to loose my shit, I need to see him. "I'm sorry, we don't know what's wrong right now. Come back tomorrow."

"Oh go fuck yourself." I spit while pushing past the doctor and into the room they had placed him in. "Get off me!" I scream as I'm pulled back out. "I said get off!" I screamed. They place me against the wall, restraining me so I don't 'hurt' anyone else, I shove them off "I'm pregnant you assholes!"

They finally let go of me but they still surrounded me. "When can I see him?" I asked with a sigh, fighting them isn't going to do anything.

"Tomorrow morning, now go home."

"Don't be so fucking rude, I'm sure if that was your husband in there you'd be acting the same, bitch!" I called out to one of the nurses. She backed down, realizing that I'm probably right.

I drove home in distress, my mind is hazed with bullshit and I can't fucking focus on anything. I called Heights and told him I wouldn't be in for work tomorrow morning, he understood after I explained to him and then fell Asleep.


"He just fainted?" The doctor cocked an eyebrow at me. I nodded my head, "And he was screaming for you... And you were right there in front of him?" He's talking to me like I'm crazy.

"Yes, everything I just finished telling you is what happened." I pinch the bridge of my nose and sighed.

"Has he gone threw anything... Dramatic?"

"Well, a few years ago me and him s-"

"Him and I." The doctor corrects me. I give him a death glare and his smile fades.

"Him and I went there a split and didn't see or speak to one another for years." I told him, "I was told that he did some things and wasn't the same. But I'm here now and have been for several months? So I don't understand why he thought I was gone, especially when I was screaming at him that I was right there. I even had my hands on him?"

"Seems to me that maybe he just had a dream and hearing about previous actions with the two of you, he must've woken up a few times before thinking you were still there and then found that you weren't. When people go threw an... Experience sometimes it tends to, almost haunt them?" He explains carefully.

I nod my head, I understand what he's saying. "And when Daniel had a dream you left, his mind wouldn't comperhend that you were, in fact, there and shaking him. He didn't process that it was you and your voice screaming at him, because he actually thought you were gone."

"Is he going to be okay though? I don't want that to happen again.." I look at the doctor with pleading eyes, he sighs and hoods his.

"Miss. Bradley, these things happen. He's not the only one, it's quite common actually." He explains, putting his clip board under his arm. "It might take time, but when you love someone, time is nothing." And with that, he walks away.

I walk into Daniel's room and sat on the chair beside the bed. I laid my hands on the blankets and placed my chin on top of them. "I'm not going anywhere," I whispered softly to him. The only response I got was the beeping from the moitor that told everyone his IV was still working. I sighed, my hand reaching for his hair and going through it and down his cheek. "I love you so much." I sniffed. I didn't realize that I was crying until the blanket under neath me started to soak on to my skin.

I placed my head on his open hand and closed my eyes.

I opened them whenever his hand squeeze my cheek, I looked up at him and seen his caramel eyes looking down at me. I smiled and stood up, my neck reaching out to kiss his forehead. He breathed out, "I'm sorry." He barely whispered.

"No don't be." I smiled, my hand running over his forehead and then stopping at his cheek. "You scared the shit out of me." I laughed, he joined me. "What was your dream about?" I asked quietly. He moved over on the bed and I gladly got in beside him, he wrapped the blanket around me and held me close.

"It was like I replayed the last night we saw each other?" He was looking at the ceiling when I looked up at him, "Everything, word for word." His head shook. "It was weird, I haven;t had that dream in a while." The bed shifted and now he looked at me. " You don't think that's a sign do you?"

"Sign for what?"

"You're going to leave again are you?"

"Of course not, Daniel. Why would you even think that? I was right there shaking you awake from your dream, I even followed you downstairs and sat on the floor with you while your screamed out for me." I carefully explained.

His eyes fell and he started to fiddle with the hospital bracelet on his wrist. I sat up and hugged him, "I love you so much." I whispered in his ear. He hugged me back, "I'm not going anywhere, I promise."

He nodded his head, "I'll always love you, even if you don't want me to."

I could fell his hot tears run down the front of my shirt, "I'm sorry I left Before. That was a mistake and it won't happen again, I can't be without you."

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