Chapter 12 {Promotion party p.2}

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Chapter 12


 "You have five seconds to tell me what happened before I loose my shit on someone." My voice stern and almost unforgiving. She looked at me and shook her head, "Aali." I pressed.

"Please don't do anything, I got away." Her voice cracked, almost sounding like she was screaming at the top of her lungs. 

"Just tell me please." I pulled her up and she sat on my lap. 

"L-Liam, he's Jax's cousin. I went to show you my new car.. Like we had planned but you weren't there. The door opened and Jax stood there, he hugged me and then he...." She paused, looking out her bedroom window, "They tried..."

"Tried to what, Aaliyah you need to tell me." 

"They took my shorts off, Jax held me down and Liam touched me..." I watched her hands move down to her lower as she sucked in a breath. "His hands were cold and it hurt me. Liam pressed down and my thighs were hurting."  I moved her rob out of the way and got a good look, her thighs were bruised with finger prints. 

My blood boiled. "Please don't do or say anything, I'm okay. Nothing happened,  I got away. " 

"Aali... They tried to rape you.." 

"I know, believe me I know." She took a breath in, there wasn't tears coming down her face, I think she was holding them in. "But they didn't get the chance to, please Daniel." Her hand touched my heated cheek, "Please?" I nodded at her, only because I didn't want her crying. 

"I'm moving." I told her, my eyes closed. I had to act calm because if I showed how angry I was she would've started crying and I told me off and would probably leave me or something and I couldn't have that. "You're okay though, right?" I breathed. 

"Yes, just spooked and shocked that Jax would take his jealousy that far." 

"Jealousy? What was he jealous of?"

"The fact that I was spending all my time with you and put him to the side, which was wrong of me. But I got you back after three years, of course I was going to spend every minuet I could with you." I smiled at her, I tucked a piece of her wet hair behind her ear. 

"I'm sorry I wasn't there." I whispered to her, my head falling on to her stomach. 

She put her hands threw my hair, "It's okay, I should've called." 

"Guess what." I said into her stomach.

"Wha?" I'll never understand that Canadian language. 'wha'; They all said it, nevermind 'what' they said 'wha.' 

"I got a promotion!" 

"DANIEL THAT'S AMAZING! So they loved your presentation?" 

"They;re throwing me a party tomorrow, would you be my plus one?" She got off me and looked in her mirror, her cheek was slightly swollen and red. "It's not really noticeable. Please? My boss told me to bring a model." Her cheeks blew up a dark red as my hands were placed around her and starred at her in the mirror, "Please?" I whispered in her ear. 

"okay. But stay tonight." She asked, I nodded my head and told her I'd be back a little later. 


I walked up into my building, my blood boiling as I passed Liam's door. It took everything in me not to go up and pound the shit out of him, but I was spending the night with Aali and she would shit if she found out I did anything to either of them. 

I packed an over night bag, carefully choosing my clothes for tomorrow and placing them neatly into a seprate bag. I zipped it up and grabbed Nala's carrying cage and placed her in it, along with a container of food and treats. I looked back, making sure I wasn't forgetting anything. I shut my light out and placed my bags on the ground outside the flat and locked my door. I put the strap over my shoulder and walked down the hall. 

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