Chapter 30 {Zara}

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Chapter 30

[a/n] I don't wanna drag on the story with her being pregnant te whole time. That's why in speeding it up. Thank you to everyone who's reading! I love you all xxxbella


I've been out here waiting for what felt like ages. No ones allowed in the room right yet which pisses me off because I'm the father!

I turn my he's when I hear a familiar voice and the doors opening, I squint my eyes and a -not impressed- look comes across my face when I see Aali's mom walking in.

What the fuck is she doing here anyway? and how the hell did she know Aali was having the baby today? "daniel?" her eyes find me and she sits.

I'm still waiting for my parents to get here, I really don't wanna sit with this thing. "Hey." I put on the most polite voice that I can find for someone I'm not on good terms with. "How did yo-"

"Something ... just told me." Her eyes look like they're lost in a memory. She quickly turns toward me, "like I had a feeling? I felt like I was being pushed to the airport, and it all made sense on the way here."

"Huh?" is she actually as crazy as I thought?

"Chance told me." Her voice was a deadbeated voice. "I swear. I swear he did."

First Aali, now her mom .... "no ones allowed in there." I change the subject when she gets up and looks at the door cutting us off from Aaliyah. "Trust me, I've tried."

Jayden called a while ago, asking how everything was. Said she would come down but she's been put on bed rest, i'd rather her over anyone's parents any day.

"So what happened?" her mom turned to look at me, but didn't sit. "Thought she still had another term to go."

"That's what we thought too. But apparently the doctors fucked up, as usual, and she was already crowning in the office."

"Really? Where did they get their degree from, a clown college?" she didn't even laugh at her own joke, like she usually did. She was being weird and I don't understand why. it's like she's uncomfortable, but she's the one who decided to jump on a plane and come here.

No one forced her ass on that plane, so why is acting like she doesn't want to be here. "Mr. Sahyounie?" I looked up from my hands and seen a nurse standing in the doors. "Would you like to come in now? We're almost ready."

"I'll wait out here for your parents." Aaliyah's mom smiled at me and moved out of the way.

"You'll tell them?" I asked. My heart was in my month and I felt like I couldn't breathe. I'm about to be a dad.

She smiled at me and I walked into the room. Aali was laying down, sweat was prominent on her face. Causing her hair to stick to her forehead, her eyes were closed and she looked exhausted. "Hey baby." I smiled and sat beside her.

Her eyes didn't open but her head turn towards me and a weak smile played on her face, "hey." she barely got out. I moved the hair away from her face and the door opened, "Who's allowed in the room?" A nurse asked.

I didn't wanna tell Aali her mom was here so I just said "The parents."


Aaliyah's been screaming and pushing and the doctors are yelling and screaming for her to push, my heart is thumping and I'm in the corner of the room and don't fucking know what to do with myself. My mom was holding Aali's hand and her mom holding the other, I think I'm gonna puke.

"She's almost out!" A nurse says and smiles. My guts are twisting and I'm sweating like a whore in a chruch. "ONE MORE!" The nurse calls out.

My heart is choking me, clogging my throat, making me gasp. What do I do? I look around the room and I catch eyes with my mom, she looks like she's trying to hold back a laugh. I give her a dirty look, I know what she's thinking. She's trying to tell me to stop being such a pussy; when really, this is the most tramatizing thing I've ever experienced.

No I take that back, I've been through worse.

Aali lets out a grunt and then my ears are filled with a babies screaming cries. "A girl!" Aali's mom yells out, running over to the doctors.

The crying stops, from the baby I mean, and the doctor looks at me. "Wanna cut the cord?" He asks. My eyes went wide and I walked over cautiously, I cut the cored and then they wrapped her up and put her in my arms. "Oh my god." I whisper, "You are beautfiul." I can't take my eyes off her, there's this new developed kind of love that I never knew was possible.

I was told that there's a difference between the love for your first born child and the person you're married to or about to marry or whatever but I never thought it was this stong. Right here I hold in my arms a making of mine and Aaliyah's, and that's more than okay with me. I have two beautfiul girls to love and hold and keep safe, and nothing will ever get in the way of that.

I'm a dad, holy fucking shit, I'm a dad.

I walk over to Aaliyah's bed and show her. There's a lazy and exhausted smile on her face when she sees our baby, "What are you going to name her?" My mom asks, her hand is on my shoulder and her eyes locked on the baby's.

Her eyes a mixture of blue and green- those are Aali's- then there's a tint of brown -that being mine. I look at Aali and she holds out her hands, I pass her the baby and she looks down at her. "Zara." I said out loud, she looks like an Zara.

Aali nodded her head, "Zara." She agreed. Her head tipped back against the pillow and soft snors came from her mouth, I smiled and took Zara out of her arms and walked around the room, my mom was the first to ask, Aali's mom stepped back and now she's sitting in the corner of the room playing with her fingers. "She's beautiful." My mum said, holding Zara [Zayr-ra] close to her chest.

After a bit I took Zara back, she's mine and I wanna hold her. I was being taught how to feed her when I seem Aali's mom looking like she was about to cry, and being the nice guy I am... I let her hold Zara and feed her. Her eyes watered and sobs were coming from her, I couldn't help but stare.

I was quickly cut off when the monitors Aali was hooked up to started beeping, my head shot around and about three doctors ran into the room.

My heart thumped and pounded against my chest, the sheets she's laying in are soaking up blood and Aali's face is white as a ghost.

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