Chapter 7 {Lexi}

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Chapter  7

Daniel had dropped me off home a few hours  ago, allowing me time to get ready to go to the gym. I've had many texts from Jax, saying he was sorry for his comments the other day, but I wanted to forget. I've learned that you shouldn't dwell on the past, even if it was only yesterday, it makes you literally crazy. 

I got a text from Luke asking me to come to the gym, and after Daniel's big breakfast and being sexually frustrated, I could use it. 


"Hey." Luke said, smiling at me as I got in. 

"Sup." I said popping the p as I put my seat belt on. 

"Same shit different toilet." I laughed, but that was disgusting. "How's Daniel?" He asked coldly, I shrugged it off though. They never really got along after that time at our house when Daniel was supremely hammered out of his mind. 

"Good good, just got back from there a few hours ago." 

Luke's hands tightened around the steering wheel. "Hmm, anyway, so I have this new workout plan that I wanna try, will you do the honor of being my lab rat?" 

"Oh how wonderful, a lad rat." We  both laughed out loud. "But yes, I would be honered to be bossed around by you for the next two hours." We laughed again as he pulled into the gym lot. "Ugh, ready?" I asked as I grabbed my water bottle from the back. He nodded his head and got out of the car. 

"Aali! Luke!" I turned around and smashed right into Luke at the sound of our names. I gripped Luke's shirt and blanced myself out. Luke laughed and helped me up. "Mates!" I turned around and seen Beau with Jai. 

"Hey! I didn't know you guys were going to be here! Where's James?" I asked as I looked around them, but didn;t see him anywhere.

"With  Hayley." 

"What really?" The surprise clear in my throat. 

"Yeah, she called him last night. She wanted to talk now that James is in jail." Beau explaiend.

"Ugh, to many James'" I said,  waving them off. 


I watched as Aaliyah and Luke left, going over to the other side of the gym. Luke said he had a new work out thing and man was he working Aali. Sweat was dripping off her in seconds. "Thing I never understood, " I started, looking over at  Jai who was starring at the two also."Was how Daniel let that go," I said, moving my hand over to Aali. "I mean, look at er. Sweat dripping, her breathing heavy. I would've wifed her along time ago." 

"Easy Beau." Jai laughed. "He tried to member? But she shot him down and then he went all crazy." 

"Because he asked her whenever they were like 19?" I snorted. "If I had my hands on her, I wouldn't let her just walk away from me." I  couldn't take my eyes off her, same as every other man in the gym. Luke gave her a barbell and placed it on her shoulders, he pushed her down into a squat and then helped her back up. She nodded her head as she did the rest herself. "Goddamn." I muttered.

"I know, even the other chicks are starring at her." Jai said. "Oi oi! Look at Luke getting a good view." Jai laughed, pointing to Luke. His head shot up at our loud laughing fits. His eyes went wide and his cheeks heated up as he realized he was caught. "Beau Beau..." Jai  hit my chest. 


"Stop starring, Aali;s looking at you." 

"Well she shouldn't be wearing those damn tights if she didn't want people starring." I explained carefully. i looked back over, "And the shirt comes off." Her toned stomach came into everyone's view and so did their boners. "Daniel would flip his shit if he seen everyone here starring at his girl." 

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