Chapter 25 { Torn Apart }

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Chapter 25


I jolt awake at the sound of screams coming from downstairs. I jump out of bed and run down to see my mom in tears and my dad holding her while giving me a death glare. "WHAT DID YOU DO!" she screamed at me. She tried to run at me but I put my hand up and stopped her. "WHAT DID YOU DO?" she screamed again

I sighed and looked around at the floor. There were broken pieces of pictures laying around, "shit happened."

"SHIT HAPPENED! SHIT HAPPENED?! really aali!" she pushed me, causing me to stumble back a little. I caught myself in time to stop her from running at me again.

"Can you take a fucking seat. Goddamn women." I said all to calmly which only enraged her more.

"LOOK AALI! LOOK!" she pointed to the family photo which held all of us. Her tears were, to me, way to dramatic. I don't see the issue, it's only the glass. it's not like I ripped the picture in half, besides. It was alec, not me.

"Before you go pointing fingers I think you listen for a aecond. " a groggy voice said from behind me. I looked up and seen Daniel standing behind me, rubbing his eyes. "Alec came here." he told my parents.

"Like fuck he did." my dad laughed.

"Do you not see your daughters cheek? do you actually think I would've done that to her?" My dad walked over and grabbed face, a little to harshly for my liking. "Oi!' Daniel swatted at his hand and pushed my dad back, "Are you dumb?" He spat at him. 

"Listen boy." My dad half slurred. 

"No, you listen!" Daniel said, getting ready to get in my father's face. I pulled him back and hugged him, I could hear his heart beating against my ear. He's going threw to much at one time and it's breaking my heart because  I know he's about to loose his shit; coming here was a bad idea. 


Coming here was the best idea I thought of. First I got my hands on that fucking sleeze Alec and now her parents are next. And I'm no where near afaird of knocking her dad's lights out, him and Alec are the biggest excuses for 'men' I've ever fucking met in my entire life. Aali's arms are wrapped tight around me trying to provent me from choking her father out. 

"Let's just go." She whispers. 

Her mum's sobs are heard threw the whole house, and I'm surprised that the house's foundation is still standing. She's crying over broken glass? "NO, NO YOU'RE NOT LEAVING! LOOK WHAT YOU DID!"

"MOM SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Aali yells back, finally.I wanted her to break and freak at her mom, although I'd prefer if she wasn't pregnant while doing it. "FUCK WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU! IT'S JUST BROKEN FUCKING GLASS! I DIDN'T RIP THE DAMN FUCKING PICTURE IN HALF!" 

Her mom stopped crying and looked Aali right in the eye. Her face harded before the words fell from her mouth. "No but you tore apart my family like you did his." She pointed to me but didn't look at me when she pointed. Her eyes dead on Aaliyah, I look between the two, both look like they're about to pounce. 

"Actually, I left them." I stated. Her eyes still not leaving her daughter's  and Aaliyah looks like a derandged anmial finally seeing freedom for the time. And now I'm scared, I don't think I've ever seen Aali this mad and not only does she look like she's about to snap her mum's neck she looks like she's going to go threw this house like a tornado. "Aali, c'mon. Take it easy." I turn to her. Her cheeks are flamming hot and her ears are, almost literally, blowing steam. 

She pushed me out of the way and grabbed her mom's arm before slinging her arm back and plowing it into her mom's face. "AALI! THE BABY!" I screamed and I grabbed her arm and pulled her away. Is she fucking nuts! 

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