Chapter 10 {Engaged?}

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Chapter 10

Work was dragging on and I felt like I was going to collapse.  My body was so exhausted and I had no idea why, I relaxed all  day yesterday after leaving Daniel's.

My paranoia had been sky-rocketed by that guy in number 3, how the hell did he know my name and know that I was looking for Daniel without even asking me either question? "Aaliyah!" I walked out of the surgery room and over to Jayden's desk. 

"Yo." I said, leaning over it. 

"How's Daniel?" Her smirk was devilish.

I coulnd't help but laugh at her, "Good actually."  I paused and starred at nothing, "Really good." I whispered. "What about your man? Or mate, I guess that's what you guys call them." I joked.

She pushed my shoulder and laughed along with me, "Don't be making fun of us Aussis, because we can make fun of you Candian's, Eh?"  It was weird as hell hearing her say eh. 

"That sounds funny." I scrunched my nose up and shook my head.

"As does hearing a Candian say mate." Her face mocked mine, "Anyway...." She turned away from me and then jumped out of her seat, making me stumble back. Her left hand shot out in front of her and I almost screamed. 

"ENGAGED?!" I almost threw up!

"ANNNND!" Her hand rubs around her stomach.

"OH MY GOD! NO WAY!" Now I was really going to throw up. "Hold on." I put my finger up and ran to the bathroom. I threw up everything in my stomach and curled over on the floor, clutching my throat as my stomach acid bubbled in it. I walked back out after rinsing my mouth out.  "I'm so happy for you.' I told her with tears in my eyes.

It was the truth, I was very happy for her, but at the same time.. I was so jealous of her that I actually imagined myself slapping her face and choking her.

Take it easy Aaliyah. 

"How far along?" I asked.

"Six weeks!" Her smile was not going to go away, and I couldn't help but bawl like a bitch. She held me in a hug and rubbed my back.

I'm suppose to have this! 

"I was thinking that maybe... You would be the..Maid of  Honor?" She said threw sobs. I looked at her and smiled brightly.

"Of course," I said touching her cheek, "I'd love to." She hugged me again and I felt like throwing up. 


Work had finally ended and I wanted nothing more than to go home and cuddle with Lexi. I stopped at the store and got some icecream and dog treats. 

I grabbed a few movies, This is the end, Now you see me, and IronMan 3. I put them in the passenger seat of my car and drove home. Tears wouldn;t stop spilling out my eyes, off my cheeks and splashing on my thighs. 

My work scrubs were soaked in tears by the time I walked into my flat. "Lexi." I called out. She came running out of my room barking and stopped at my feet, her tail going a mile a minuet. "Were you good today?" I asked her, she barked at me again and her butt came off the floor and then she sat down again. 

I put the bags on the counter and took out the icecream and dog treats. I put in This is the End first and sat on the couch cuddled in a blanket with Lexi chewing on her bone at my feet. I smiled at her and the movie started.

Even though the movie was funny, like overly funny, I couldn't help but cry and shovel icecream into my mouth. Jayden and alomst every other female had everything I should have and was suppose  to have. It was like they were throwing it in my face, even though I knew they weren't. 

But still! 

Iron Man was next, and then I found myself crying over Robert Downey Jr.  "HOW CAN AN OLD MAN BE SO FUCKING GORGEOUS!?" I shouted at the Tv. Totally unfair. 

My tub of icecream was gone by the time Now you see me had started. And then I cried over that. 

Stop crying.

Lexi was starring at me almost threw the whole three movies, her head would tilt at me every time I let out a huge sob and then sniffed and blew my nose half off. I found myself laughing at her but then returned to crying. My phone went off on the coffee table beside me, "Hello?" 

"Hey, are you alright?" Daniel asked.

"Yeah, just hard day at work." I sniffed. 

"Oh, what are you doing?"

"Just finishing up some movies, how about you?" 

"Just thinking about you." AWW!

"Aww, I was thinking about you all day." I admitted, heat spilling on my cheeks. I was thinking about what life would've been like if I didn't leave a few years back, if I would've said yes to Daniel's proposal, what it would be like if I didn't have a miscarriage. 

"Get a new car yet?" I could hear his smirk over the phone.

"No,I was thinking next week maybe."

"I'm busy all week, I have a presentation to get ready for, but you could come over afterwards and show me. I should be done on Friday around four maybe?"

"Alright sounds good, I'll see you Friday then?"

"Guess so." He laughed.

"I'm gonna go and lay down now, I'm not feeling well."

"Alright, have a good nap."


I feed Nala and went to take out my trash, I was stopped by Liam, the guy in 3.. As usual. "Hey, mate."

"Hey." I said nodding my head at him, I looked in and seen Jax standing at the counter. "Hey Jax." 

"Daniel." He walked back into a bedroom or bathroom or something. 

"How's Aaliyah?" Liam asked, his grin widening.

"Ah, she's good." 

"She not with you?" He looked at his hand and then back at me. 

"No, probably won;t be seeing her until next week. She started work again today and I have to do a presention." I explained, I narrowed my eyes at him, waiting for a response. 

But all I got was a nod and then a door closing. I shrugged and proceeded to take out my trash. Liam was always a weird kid, whenever we were in school he would make fun of The Janoskians but then tell us whenever no one was around that he was our biggest fan and wanted to be a part of the group, it never happened though. 


I wasn't surprised whenever he ended up moving next to me in the same building, but one thing I never understood was why he would talk about Aaliyah like he's known her his whole life. I mean, clearly she was known by fans and such, but this guy talked about her like he was the one under the sheets with her. 

It almost pissed me off sometimes, but then I realized he defiantly had something wrong with him so I would just nod my head and smile.

I walked back in and was greeted by a very  affectioned Nala. I picked her up and took her over to the couch and cuddled with her until we both fell asleep.

[A/N] so i think by accident I said that it was lexi, aaliyah's dog, was the one in the room after their little 'heated' scene. but that was because daniel took lexi after their fight because he didn't think that aali was stable enough! sorry if i confused anyone! i was dead tried whenever i wrote it and i haven't been feeling well because i'm so stressed! 

ugh  sorry, you probably don't wanna hear about my rants. Anyway, i wanted to thank you all for all the reads and ALL THE VIEWS ON POLYVORE! I have over 3,000 and i'm literally so excited! thank you all! -- xxx Bella :*

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