Chapter 16 {She's just jealous}

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Chapter 16


"Who were you talking to?" Daniel asked, poking his head in the doorway and looking around. 

I giggled, but obviously I can't tell him. 'Just talking to my dead brother.' That wouldn't go over to well. "My mom called." I got up off the floor and walked over to him. 

"Oh? What did she want." 

"They're throwing a party or something because it's the annvieresty of Chance's death." 

"Nice of em." He laughed, I nodded my head. "Well, I was wondering..." 

"Wondering what?" 

"Would you wanna join me to a party at my parents house tomorrow? I don't really talk to them anymore but they heard about the engagement and wanna properly meet you." He pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes. 

"Only if you come to Alberta, Chance would want me there.." I looked at my feet.

"Can we stay in a hotel though? I don't wanna stay with your parents, they sound like assholes now." 

"They are, but yes I'll go to the party after work though. I can't start skipping that, animals need me."

"Alright, come back to bed." 


My phone buzzed by my head, telling me it's time to get up already. I groaned but unwilling got up and walked into the bedroom that held my clothes. I searched for my scrubs and name tag, finally finding them. I almost jumped out of my skin whenever I turned around and Lexi was looking at me with big eyes. 

"Jesus, you scared me." She wagged her tail, "Come here." I patted my thigh and she came hopping out of the bedroom and into the kitchen, I filled her's and Nala's bowl before returning to the bathroom and changing. 

I pinned my hair into a neat low bun and after washing my face I applied only mascara for makeup. I looked at my phone, I still had 45 minuets. I put my phone in the pocket of my zebra printed shirt and tied the back of it while walking out to the living room to say bye. 

I leaned down and shook Daniel, "Pst." He rolled over and opened one eye, I laughed at him. "I'm leaving now, I'll see you after work."

"Alright." He stretched, I gave him a quick kiss.

"Do something around here while I'm gone, alright?" 

"Mhm."  He turned over and went back to sleep. 


'JAYDEN!" I screamed, her head popped up from behind her desk. "Guess what." The smile on my face wasn't going anywhere as I leaned over her desk.

"You're cheering for 8 in the morning. But hey, I like that shirt." 

"Thanks, I got it a few days ago. But guess what." 

"What?"  I put my hand her face and we both squealed. "No way! When, how where?!" 

"He got promoted and they threw him a party, he took me as his plus one! And then some guy in the circle he was with asked who I was, because I was talking to guy who owns the firm."


"And then Daniel told me that and then he goes 'And guess what I said?' I shook my head at him, thinking he said 'Oh that's Aaliyah Bradley.' BUT NO! He was like 'I told him you were my fiance.'"

"Cheeky fucking bastard!" She swatted jokingly at my arm.

"THEN HE GOT DOWN ON ONE KNEE AND ANNOUNCED IN FRONT OF EVERYONE THAT HE WANTED TO MARRY ME!" My arms went out to the sides of me, we both laughed. "He  bought a house too, because his neighbours are fucking dicks, and then another truck comes and they pull out all my shit from it, and Daniel goes, 'I don't care what you say, we're living together.'" 

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