Chapter 6 {Breaking News}

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Chapter 6


Aali threw the keys on her counter as she made her way into the bathroom to wash her face. I turned on the TV, the news instantly coming on. "Breaking News. Mr.Heights; owner of Heights Vet Clinic, has had his son taking into custody and charged on two different accounts. Domestic Violence and destruction of property. Daniel Sahyounie, former member of The Janoskians, was the one to call him out in front of his father. Mr.Heights refused to take James out on bail for the disgusting actions of his Son."

"Aali! Come here!" I called out, she walked into the living room with a green mask covering her face, I almost laughed at her. " Look at this." I opened my arms for her to come sit on my lap, she did, "Be careful to not get that shit onto my shirt."  I teased.

"What's this?" She asked, rolling her eyes at my comment.

"Just watch." I turned the volume up. 

"James Heights is being charged by three women, just that we know of, who have come forward after hearing he was placed in jail."

"It;s like history is repeating itself all over again." She groaned, rubbing her temple as she watched. 

"The women coming forward have been asked to not have their name let out, fearful that when he gets out, or if he does, he might come back." The reporter looked down at her paper. "We'd like to thank the women and their bravery for speaking out against this. Domestic Violence is something that happens far to offten, and needs to have a stop put to it. Don't be scared to speak up against this. Thank you." 

A commercial break was taking place afterwards. "You okay?" I asked Aali. 

"Yeah, just don't need this shit." She waved towards the TV

"I hear you." I got up, carrying her in arm and walking over to the kitchen. I placed her on the counter top and looked at her, "Hungry?" I asked. She bit her lip and nodded her head. My hands absentmindedly roaming over her thighs, I was about to kiss her before my phone started ringing. I took it out of my pocket and looked at the caller ID. "I don't know who that is." 

I showed the number to Aali, "It's Luke." 

"Brooks?"  She nodded her head with a smile, "Alright." I put the phone up to my ear. "Hello?"


"Yeah." Cheers were heard in the background, "What's going on?" I asked.

"You put James in jail?" 

"Yeah, after getting myself thrown in there too." I heard Luke laugh, "How did you know my number?"

"I kind of thought it wouldn't change."

"Is it Luke?" Aali asked. 

I nodded and she smiled, "Who is that? Who are you with?" Luke asked. 




"Where are you? Are you at her house?"


"Come outside." I hung up the phone and looked at Aali, I placed her on the floor and we both slipped on our shoes, walking out the door and down to the ground floor. We walked out of the apartment lobby and I almost shit. Luke, Beau, James and Jai were all standing there. "Skip!" They all yelled,  running toward me.


"Hey guys?" They all pulled away from me and stepped back. Then they all hugged Aaliyah, what are they doing here and how did they know where she lived? It's been almost four years since I last talked to them. 

"How have you been." Aali asked, Luke stood in front of her. I've never liked the way he looked at her, ever. It was like he was running threw his mind what it would be like to have her and call her his girlfriend or something. It was weird, he was even asked about it a few times by either Beau, Jai or even the fans. 'Why are you looking at Aaliyah like you're in love with her in that photo?' 

"I've been great, missed you though." He said quietly.

"Aw, I missed you guys too." She told him, they all hugged her again. My jealousy was beginning to become uncontrolable. "What are you guys doing here?" 

"Seen Skippers here on the telly." Beau said, patting Daniel's back. "To be honest, we thought the mate died." 

"What would make you think that?" She asked, clearly a bit angry at his statement...

Only if she knew.

"Oh, you didn't.." Beau started.

"Beau." I warned. He stepped down and shut his mouth. "Anyway, how did you guys know where she lived?" 

" I helped her move." Luke said, glaring at me. I narrowed my eyes at him, I know what he's trying to do. "She called me when she came back from Alberta." His smirk was sinister, I looked at Aali; her lip was taking inbetween her teeth as she looked at the ground. 

Jai cleared his throat, "How have you been Daniel?" He asked. 

"Lost." I shrugged. They all nodded their heads, our feet becoming interesting. 

"Thanks.. Daniel, for the whole James thing..." I looked up and seen James starring at me, his eyes look like they're lost in memory. I don't blame him.

"Really, it was nothing." 

"You look good, Aali." James said to her. She smiled and said thank you, "Let's go out.. Like old times?" James suggested. 

I looked at Aali, she nodded her head, "Just let me go get changed, you all can come up if you want." She offered, we all followed behind her as we walked into her flat. "Um, where are we gonna go?" She asked, peeking around the corner. 

"Well, Daniel's all dressed up, we're sort of dressed up so let's go to some kind of bar." Jai said.

'I agree." She said and walked back into her room. 


I searched threw my drawers and found a flowy redish purple skirt with a gold designed around the belt part of it. I walked over to my closet and found a long sleeve black top that comes just a little bit below my belly button. I placed my earrings in and took my hair out, letting the brown waves fall down my shoulders. I put on a little bit of lipstick and walked out. "Ready?" They all looked up at me. 

"Yes we are." Daniel said, swallowing. 

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