Chapter 17 {What changed your mind?}

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Chapter 17


I watched Aali talk with my family and make new friends. They were talking about the wedding, telling her what her colours should be. I giggled when I seen her face scrunch up at some of the ideas, she was a piece of work. "When's the wedding, mate?" I looked up and seen my dad standing next me. 

I took  my face off my fist and looked at him, sighing. "Don't know yet, Aali's friend is getting married too and she wants to wait until a little bit after that so it isn;t wedding after wedding." 

"So, in about two years?"  He laughed.

"Oh piss off." I joked with him. "And like hell am I waiting two fucking years to marry her, I can barely wait now." I shifted in my chair, I don't know why, but just even the thought of her  makes the blush from cheeks run into my pants. "I thought the boys were coming?" 

As soon as the words left my mouth, "PARTY'S HERE!" Beau's voice boomed threw the house, everyone looked over at him. He was laughing and holding up a bottle of champaine.  "SKIP!" He screamed and ran over to me. 

"Where's Aali?" Luke asked, still not over his obsession! I nodded my head over to where she was, he looked and nodded and walked over to her. She willingly opened her arms for his hug and kissed his cheek.

I swear to god if anyth-

"Don't be jealous, mate. She's marrying you, not him." Jai said, sitting beside me.

"How'd yo-"

"Because I see it too." His eyes never left Luke and Aali. "Grinds me just as much as you." He said.. I nodded my head and downed the rest of my  beer. 

"Jai! Baby!" My mom came running over, "Oh you're so big now!" I forgot, she hasn't seen any of them since we broke up. "Where's your brother's at?!" She cheered. Jai pointed over to them talking with the group Aali was in. My mom fixed her shirt and walked over.

"Your mum's a babe,ya know." Jai winked, tossing back a gulp from his bottle. 

"Hmm." I laughed. 


Everyone left, leaving a bunch of gifts that Aali tried to give back, said she didn't need them but I could see she was in love with them and was thankful they didn't  take them back. 

We were all in the kitchen, my mum and dad sitting with us. "Aaliyah," My mum's voice spoke threw our chatter. Aali poked her up, "What's your favourite Janoskian memory?"  She asked while pulling out the laptop. "Show me." 

"Oh god." Aali laughed, "There's soooo many!" She typed on the laptop and our 'Question and Answer #2' 

"Why that one? All we did was answer questions?" Luke asked, leaning over her to watch the video. 

"Just hold on." She said. "Look at you!" She pointed to me, "You're asking them to help you figure out your biggest fear! And you're trying to hide it, " Her head went back in laughter, I kissed her forehead and the video kept playing. "AND THAT NEXT MINUET GUY! I THINK I REPLAYED THAT LIKE A THOUSAND TIMES!" She replyed him again, we all laughed. 

She pauses it at 3:10 "AND THAT LAUGH!" She pointed to me again and replayed it. 

"Oh yeah,  that one is my favourite too!" My mom said, I laughed and watched it again. "So cute." She pinched my  cheek. 

"I literally replayed it over and over, because not only your laugh, but the fact that you made Beau look like an asshole." We all burst out laughing. 

"That wasn't very nice." He mocked hurt. 

Aali just shrugged, then at 3:58 she bursts laughing. "What are you even saying and why did you take your shirt off?" 

"I think it was to try and affect." Luke laughed. 

"You'll never fucking find out, You'll  hun-fucki-knuckle." She laughs again, "I swear that's what I hear!" We finish the video Aali wiping the tears off her face from laughing so hard.  "And Ellen's dance dare, that was perfect." She stopped laughing as she went threw the videos, "But this one!" She pointed to the Pepper Spray Challenage, "I fucking hated you guys for that! I was literally crying because I thought you guys were like dying, especially you, dick." She shoved Beau's shoulder.

"Oh now you care." He joked. 

"What's your favourite part from the dance dare?" I asked. 

"The way you just walked off with so much swag!" She winked, she skipped the video to 3:16, "See. Just walked away. Or when Beau does the worm and no one even notices?" 

After we all discussed our favourite videos it was time to go home, Aali helped my mum clean up a bit before we left. "Aaaaaali!"  she looked over at me with a dish in her hand, "I wanna go hommme!" I whined. 

"Oh hush."  She snapped at me. I  pouted and sat down on the couch. 


Finally we pulled into our driveway and got out, Aali ran into the house and picked Lexi up and twriled her around. She set her down and looked at the inside of the house, "It'll get done." I promised her, kissing her neck. She sighed out a little 'I know' and plopped on to the mattress.

"Hey, Daniel." She rolled over on her stomach and put her head in her hands. 


"I thought you never wanted to get married?" I looked back at and raised an eyebrow, "You said a couple years ago that you never wanna get married... Plus I watched  a lot of fact videos on you all and they all said 'Skip doesn't wanna marry.' " 

"Well," I walked over with two cups of coffee and handed her one, "That was a couple of years ago." I passed it her, she gadly took it. "Things change." I shrugged.

"What made you change your mind?" She didn't look at me, to in love with her coffee right now.

"Really wanna know?" I laughed a little. She looked at me with big eyes and slowly nodded her head, "You." 

[A/N] ksoooooo, here's the thing. There's this wonderful girl who likes to write an advice book type thing, anywayyyyy. She just really wants to help people with their writing, and I wanna help her get noticed. So if any of you have  questions or anything, this chapter is dedicated to her and her advice so go ask and she'll write you like a chapter or something on what she thinks is a good idea for you to do (: She said all she wants to do is help people and I think that is amazing! So her name is ' hear_to_help ' Go follow her !!! AND I DON'T KNOW WHY THE SPACING IS ALL FUCKED UP?!

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