Chapter 21 { "You tried to kill yourself?" }

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Chapter 21

The night consisted of me getting up and down from my chair to introduce people to the mic so they can share their stories about the bride and groom to everyone. "Let's keep this appropriate, eh?"   I said as I handed the mic to one of grooms men. He's been making disgusting jokes to one of the brides maids all day and I've just about had enough of him.

Everyone laughed, but he didn't. He just took the mic and started ranting about something. My mind was else where though, Daniel taking it over. I couldn't stop looking at him, he was laughng at something one of the boys said, clearly their tension from earlier has diminished. 

I couldn't keep my mind from going into that dirty place, just watching Daniel sitting back and laughing as the guy said some stupid joke that I didn't hear. Daniel's  laugh is by far the best thing I've ever heard in my life, no doubt. 

I can't wait for this wedding to be over so I can get Daniel home and peel him out of his clothes, although he looks rather handsome in his dark blue shirt and black pants. I shook my head, my mind needs to be here in reality not fantise land. 

But if this wedding doesn't finish soon I'm gonna have to go into the bathroom, I had to squeeze my legs together to take away some of the pressure I'm beginning to feel. But Daniel, ugh just himself was enough to make me soak myself. 

"I know what you're doing." I said to Alex, but not making eye contact with him. He thinks he's being slick with looking down the top of my dress, which I've been pulling up  every second. 

"What? eating?" He said, clearly embarrassed he got caught. 

I just rolled my eyes, tired of his immature act. 

I need people to be done eating so we can start the dance, and then after the dance I can drag Daniel into our bedroom and rip his clothes off his body and pin him to the be- 'Aaliyah! Snap out of it.'   Fuck he leaves me flustard. 

I looked around the room, "Think everyone's done eating?" I asked Jayden.

She scanned the place as everyone was getting their empty plates taking off their tables, "I think so." She laughed, I got up and took the mic off the stand. 

Everyone was looking at me, but by now I'm use to it. "So if everyone's ready, we're gonna start the dance!" Everyone cheered, "And there's an open bar all night! So feel free!" This time, only the men cheered. 


The tables were out of the way and everyone was on the dance floor, Jayden and Jack already did their dance and everyone blew bubbles at them. Their wedding song was beautiful, Found me by The Fray. I fell completely in love with it. 

I seen Daniel talking with the boys, he hand one hand in his pocket and the other held a drink, I think it's whiskey? I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around him, "Hey baby." He said, taking his hand out of his pocket and placing it around me. "Did you want a drink?" 

I shook my head no, "But you always want a drink?" He questioned.

"I'm not an alcoholic, dick." I hit his chest.

"Alright alright." 

Alex walked over toward us, Daniel's grip around me tightened as he came closer. His  hand went out and Daniel looked at it, "I just wanted to sorry mate." Alex said, "I thought your girl was free for the taking, didn't know she was a fiance." 

Daniel didn't say anything and I couldn't tell what emotion he held. But his arm came off me, he drank the rest of his drink and look at Alex before shaking his hand. "It's good." Daniel breathed. "I need another drink." He left me there with Alex and the uneasiness  I feel in my stomach was enough to make me throw up. "I'm sorry." He said to me.

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