Chapter 31 {'You could've been there'}

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Chapter 31

Aali's bed was rolled away before I could even ask questions. I sat down on the chair after countless tries to get into the room, it's fucking hopeless. "FUCK!" I screamed, I stood quickly from my chair causing it to fall over. My body is sore, I'm fucking exhausted, not only was my girl taken away from me so was my goddamn baby! "What kind of 'hospitallity' is this shit! Fucking fuck!" I tugged at my hair.

"Excuse me, sir. But you need to calm down." A nurse apporched me. I could see my mom shaking her head in the corner of my eye, "You need to stop screaming insults, there are babies and patients sleeping." 

"Go fuck yourself, my wife and baby are one of them." I spat at her, not feeling one bit sorry for her. "When the fuck can I see my child and wife, huh? Since you like to talk, wanna tell me that?" I threw my arms in the air, letting them slap my thighs. 

"What's your wife's name sir?" 

"Aaliyah Bradley." 

"And your name?" 

"Daniel Sahyounie."

"Then she's not your wife." Is she kidding,she really wants to challenage me right now? 

My stalked toward her, making her 'take cover' behind her desk. My palms laid flat against the edge of the desk, "listen here." I started, she swallowed. "You're gonna look up on your fancy little fucking computer where the hell my Fiance is! And you're gonna tell them to let me in!" I screeched. 

"Abuse will not be tolerated here, Sir." 

"Really? You don't think them keeping me from Aaliyah and Zara is abuse? Oh fuck, I'll show you abuse!" My fists slammed against the top of the desk. My shoulder was tugged away from the desk and all the frustration and anger that's built up inside has been released in hot, angry tears. My mom pulled me into her chest just like she did when I was younger and hurt myself. She whispered soft 'shhs' in my ear, my head was burried in the gape of her neck; no one's letting me see either of my babys.


"Ah, Daniel Sahyounie?" My head popped up and my eyes had a hard time trying to open, I looked and seen a doctor standing in my view. Not exactly what I wanted to see right now, "There's a ... few boys here to see you." He stepped back- relevaling four of my best friends. 

"Oh shit, hey mates!" 

"You look like shit." Beau said, of course he would say that.

"Thanks, not looking to bad yourself you mutt." I spat back. We all laughed and I turned my head and looked at my reflection in the glass doors- I do look like shit. My eyes are bloodshot and my face is slightly sunken in, with no colour to it and my eyes are dull and faded. 

"You literally look like you've smoked four joints." Jai said, slapping my shoulder. "So what happened?" He sat down with his hands in his sweater pockets and said hi to my mom but then starred at Aali's mom. 

"I'm Aaliyah's mother." She said when she noticed him starring.  Jai and everyone else said hi to her but she just put her head back down and kept playing her fingers. I feel for her, I wish I could shut down like she has. 

"She had the baby and then a few minuets later she was white as a ghost and the sheets she was in where soaking in blood. I don;t know anything after that because they won't let me see her, I almost got kicked out thanks to that cunt." I jerk my head to the side, showing them the nurse who's typing away on her keyboard. "I would've decked her if she wasn't a chick.' I admitted. 

"So nothing yet then?" James asked. I shook my head and sighed, 'Shitty deal, mate. Shitty deal." 

My head hurts, my body is aching and screaming at me for sleep, my eyes are heavy and I'm just about ready to take a gun to my head. I whip myself around whenever the doors open again, Aali's in a wheelchair holding Zara in her arms. The colour is back in her face and she looks healthy again, "Oh thank god!" I said, kneeling in front of her. I kissed the baby and then I kissed Aali, everything is okay. 

"What happened?" James asked, Aali looked up at the doctor who had wheeled her in.

He cleared his throat and put on the breaks to Aali's chair and stood in front of us all. "It happens, quite a lot actually, especially with a first birth. Sometimes it's just to much and something can break, mostly the pelvis bone which would cause the bleeding. BUT, fortunately it was just the birth sack that never came out with the baby. Your wife and your baby are both fine, alive and healthy as two horses." 

"Fuck, why couldn't you just fucking tell me that? Instead of going on about pelvis bones breaking, she fucking rolls out here in a wheelchair and then you say that. Jesus Christ." I help Aali out of the chair and shows the baby to everyone, Luke was the first and he was relulctant to let her go. His face looks like he's jealous or something, he needs to get over himself. "Can she come home tonight?" I asked.

"No, not tonight. We need to keep her monitored, but she should be good in a few days." The doctor explained. 

"I wanna shower." Aali crocked. Her voice was still strained from all the screaming she did during the labour, it's raspy and sexy.  The doctor nodded his head and she pass Zara to me, kissed her forehead and then gave me a long and hard kiss to my lips before she left. "Goddamn she's sexy." I said out loud.

Everyone started laughing.  A nurse came in not to long after that with a bottle and burping clothe to feed Zara with, her eyes were big and wide- taking in  all the new people. She was fasinated with Luke, I honestly don't know why. She wouldn't stop looking at him and he wouldn't stop looking at her, as if he was her daughter. My blood was starting to boil and I was about to say something before Aali walked in-or hobbled- and carefully sat down beside me. She sucked in a sharp breath as she sat down, "Sore?"

"You have no idea." She said in a painfully voice. "My vagina was just ripped and stretched about three hours ago."  She, overly, explained. 

"Pussy." Beau joked.

"Let me stretch your dick hole open, huh Beau? Then sit there and tell me how big of a pussy I am then, fucking prick." She snapped. 

"Bitchy." He muttered, he doesn't know when to stop. 

I laughed when Aali leaned over to me and whispered 'if I wasn't so sore, I probably would.' It's funny because I know she's not joking, she would probably do it in a second. "Wait, mom?" Aali leaned forward and her and her mom locked eyes. "What the fuck?" Aali's head cocked sideways and her eyes narrowed, especially when she seen Zara in her arms. "No, that's not right." She pointed to her mother and tried to stand up. 

I grabbed her arm and sat her back down, "Aali, baby. Just leave it." I said to her. 

"Just leave it? This bitch right here made my life hell for two and half years, called me everything bad she could think of and blamed me for you all breaking up." She stopped, but her eyes never left her mothers. "Not to mention, blaming me for my brother's death and for her fucking pathetic little 'family' pictures falling and smashing on the floor when it had nothing at all to do with me." 

"Aali, stop." I pleaded. 

But it was as if no even exisited in this room, only her and her mother. "You blamed me for everything that you couldn't stop. So maybe the blame should be put on you because you never did anything about the bruises being put on me, you never helped me get away and you let me go to Austrailia on my own. You let Chance get into drugs, you allowed him to go to his 'friends' houses without asking any fucking questions. You never did anything to stop him from almost ODing again, no, instead you shipped him off to my fucking house and told me to do something with him." 

She paused, making sure every word hit her. "Ya know, maybe if you didn't marry an alcoholic and let me grow up by myself with a fucking part-time mother and belittle me every-goddamn-chance you got! Maybe Chacne would still be here.OR how about maybe when I came back to home, torn and completely broken and looking for someone's affection to help me YOU COULD'VE BEEN THERE!" 

"But no, instead you sat around and tipped a fucking bottle, let Alec back around the house and blamed me for things I had no say in! So why in hell are you holding MY child?!" 

Her mom got up, handed me Zara and left the hospital. 

[a/n] i know it's short i'm sorry! thank you for almost 1000 reads! i love you all, please vote! i usually don't ask, but idk... i've been getting a little sad about no votes but all these reads.. idk i'm sorry for sounding desprate! xxxbella

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