Chapter 26 {out like a light}

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Chapter 32

I woke up to my alarm and an empty bed. Daniel's gone back to work leaving me alone for hours on end, even after I get back from work at five. I slowly tugged myself out of bed and decided against a shower, I'm to tired to do anything. So I washed my face and applied mascara to my lashes.

I stared a My reflection in the mirror and sighed. My right cheek was slightly bruised purple, I've never hated someone so much in my life.

I leaned on the counter And shook my head, nothing I could do about it.

I walked out and fed Lexi and Nala, I smiled at the two. They've become best friends and it's funny to watch. Lexi will wait for Nala to finish using the water dish and vice versa.

I grabbed myself something to eat, although I'm not very hungry I know I need to eat because the baby. I grabbed a banana and cut it up and put it in my cereal. I noticed I not on the island counter top, 'hey baby, I'll be off early today and I have something in mind so be home as you can! don't forget to ask your boss about your leave. - Daniel'

I smiled to myself, he's so cute.

I put my dishes in the sink, grabbed my jacket and keys and locked the door behind me. I got in my jeep in left for work.


"he actually came to the house?" Jai asked as he reached up to fix the camera lighting.

"Yeah, right across he cheek too." I explained. I lifted a speaker up on the table behind the CEO's desk. "I fucking destroyed him, I hate him so much." I whispered while shaking my head.

"Alright mates, how much longer is this going to take?" my boss asked.

"Not much longer, should be today. Then it's just editing the pieces in." luke explained.

"Alright I just wanna wrap this up quickly" he moved his finger in a circle around the room. We all nodded our heads and James handed the script to Lennon and told him to read over it.

My back is killing me today and I just wanna go home, my head is hurting and my mind is somewhere else. I don't feel to great about leaving Aali alone in the house, even if she's leaving two hours after I've already gone.

It still bugs me knowing she's by herself, hopefully after this commercial is done I'll go back to working at home.

I rubbed my temples, "lets get this done so I can go home." I complained

"So Aaliyah's pregnant right?" beau asked. I nodded my head, "so do you still do it?"

"Of course you would ask that." I laughed, shaking my head. "Yes, beau. We do."

"Wouldn't that hurt the baby?" he asked.

"No? You're suppose to," Jai told him.

"Besides, like fuck I'm gonna go nine months without sex. She fucking walks around the house in her underwear and my shirt, do you know what that does to me?" I'm getting flustered just thinking about this.

"Well ueah, I've seen her in a bikini soooo" beau looked away from me, must've thought I was gonna blow up at him.

I laughed and nodded my head, "and when she sleeps, she has the blankets half off her and my shirt is sometimes up her body." Luke looks like he's gonna punch me, sorry mate. I'm the type to brag. I smirked an accomplished smirk at him.

"Isn't that going to weird when she's huge?" Luke asked, cocking an eyebrow at me. "What about after the baby's born? baby weight takes a long time to work off and then there's the whole 'stretch mark' thing"

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