Chapter 22 {The nice in-law}

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Chapter 22


"Well, Miss. Bradley." The doctor said, turning in his chair to look at me. His eyes scanned over my paper work and documents before his eyes actually met mine. "What brings you here?" 

"Well, there's something going on with me. I'm pretty sure it's just the flu but I would like to be safe rather than sorry." 

He nodded his head at me and then walked over to me, his hands going on  both sides of my neck  feeling my pulse. He put his stethoscope on my back, asking me to breathe in and out while he moved it around my back to my ribs and then to my chest. "Your lungs sound healthy." He sat back down on his stool and I turned to him. "Can you give me some symthoms?" 

"Ah well, I've been throwing up a lot and it's mostly just stomach acid. I have a history of acid  reflex so I think that's what causing the throwing up. But I get this cramp in my stomach like right here," my fingers dragged across my lower stomach and show him. He sat back in his chair and put his pen between his teeth, he looks so interested in my grossness. 

"Keep going." He pushed.

I cleared my throat, "I feel hot and heavy all day, it's affecting my work and I can't eat certin things because that just makes me sick, even the smell of some things makes me wanna punch myself in the face. I feel like I'm always sweating and my emotions are on such a rollercoaster it's like I'm PMSing everyday " I stressed.

"How long  has this been going on for?" He raised an eyebrow at me. 

"A few months." I grumbled. 

"And how long have you been with Daniel?" 

"We've been together now for a little over 6 months."

His eyes narrowed at me, "Lay down and pull up shirt." I looked at him confused but complied. He put gel on some  thing and ran it across my bottom stomach, "Just checking for any problmes like a possible cysts or something." 

"Okay." Is all I said. I heard a switch flick on and the doctor stepped back and then almost shoved his face into the computer screen.

And about 20 minuets later, the doctor cleaned off my stomach and the thing he used on it and then sat back in his chair. "Good news, not a cysts, no surgery needed." He leaned forward. "Bad news," He paused. 

"Oh my god, just say it." 

"You're four months pregnant Miss. Bradley." I almost threw up right there. "And it's a baby girl."

"That's not even possible." I said shaking my head. 

"Why's that?" 

"Because I can't get pregnant, I lost my baby a few years ago because of it." Tears pricked my eyes. 

"Well, sometimes your body just isn't ready for a baby so it can and will get rid of it because your body tends to think it's going to cause harm to you. Also, it's very possible to have a baby after a miscarrige, especailly a few years later. But you are four months pregnant," He clapped his hands together, "I wouldn't tell very many people just yet, but I do notice a ring on your finger and I bet your fiance would be more than thrilled to have a baby and a wedding on the way."

I smiled at his words, "Can I still loose it?" I asked quietly. 

"It is still possible, but I don;t think so." He smiled at me. "Now get and go tell him. " He shooed me out of the office. 


"So you really are pregnant?" Daniel asked, his eyes burning with excitment. I nodded my head at him, "But don;t tell anyone yet." I said quickly. 

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