Chapter 2- { Found you }

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Chapter 2


Her lips on mine felt amazing, she felt amazing. 

She moved her lips with mine, her body squriming on me. She let out a breathless moan and ran her hands down my shirt and back up. "Hey Aaliyah I was going to ask you who that guy wa-" Someone said, opening the door.

Aaliyah stopped kissing me and jumped off. "Hey Jax." She smiled and ran over to him.

"Hey.." He said, hugging her back but not taking his eyes off me. "I was gonna ask who that guy was at Starbucks... You know, the one you ditch me for?"

Aaliyah giggled, "That's Daniel." She said, walking over to me.

Jax straightened his posture at the mention of my name, making a hard line with his month, his glared at me. "Daniel Sahyounie?" He asked, I stood up. 

I'm not gonna let this douche threaten me. "Yeah, that;s me." I said, walking over to Aaliyah. "How do you know me?" 

"Heard a ton about you, you box right?"


"Hmm, heard you lost a lot."  Is he fucking serious right now.

"No mate, you got that all wrong. I win a lot." 

"You mean won. You don't fight anymore." He said, cocking an eyebrow at me. 

"Lost motivation." I said, not taking my eyes off of him. 

"Because you lost that one fight?" He smirked and ran his tongue over his back teeth.

"I'm warning you right now." I said pointing my finger at him.

"What are you gonna do?" 

"K guys stop, that's enough." Aali said, pulling on Jax. "Seriously Jax, stop it." 

"Why, this guy thinks he's a big shot?  Leaving you at your worst time, fuck this dude."  He said, laughing. 

He didn;t laugh to long before I upper cutted his jaw. "No, fuck you!" I said, spitting on him.

"Daniel! Oh my god!" Aali sheriked. She got on her knees to help Jax up, 'Why would you do that?" She said, looking up at me with watery eyes.

"Did you not hear the shit he was saying to me?!" I  excalmied. "No fuck this, I didn't come here to be talked down to and to fight anyone. I came here for you." I said, pointing at her. "I've been waiting for 3 fucking years for you and here you are standing up for this fucking asshole! And why in the blue fuck would tell him about happened to us?!" I said, pulling my hair a bit.

Aali  stood up, "Because I needed someone to talk to!"

"Me Aali! What about me!" I said, poking my chest frantically. "I quit fucking everything for you because I thought would come back if I had nothing on my plate! I fucking waited and waited and waited! But you never came back! That fucking house got so lonely! Do you even fucking understand how lonely I was without you! You fucking left me! " I shouted. 

"You know why I left!" 

"Yes Aali I do know why you left, but you promised to come back to me!" 

"And here I am." She said, holding her arms out by her sides.

"But you wouldn't even be here with me if I didn't go into Starbucks today. Admit it, you stopped caring about me a long time ago." 


"Stopped caring Daniel? Really?" I said, shoving him. "I never stopped caring! I kept looking, I watched the vidoes with you and the other boys! I followed your twitter and read about you in the fucking megazines! I NEVER STOPPED! And yes I wouldn't be here with you right now if it weren't for today, but hey, at least you're here and know I'm still alive!" 

"You looked all fucking happy with this guy!" 

"Daniel! Do you know how many times a day and or night I would sit there with your number up on my phone trying to convince myself to call you! DO YOU KNOW?! No you fucking don't, I told you not even half a minuet ago that I constantly kept looking for you, I even went back to the house! But you were gone, I fucking looked Daniel!" I told him, shoving him again. "And what about you, eh? I never got a text or a call, never got anything!"

"I was trying to get my shit back together Aaliyah, do you know how I felt when you left me?! When you fucking walked out of Andrew's that night? I laid on his floor for hourrrrsss! Hoping that maybe, just maybe, you'd be coming back realizing how big of a mistake you made! Fuck Aali, I'm done with Janoskians I'm done with boxing I'm fucking done with everything! Why wouldn't you have just come back!" 

His eyes were wet and his face was flushed. "I know I made a mistake." I said, rubbing my hands on my face. "But I had to leave, Daniel."    I looked down at Jax who was just staring at the ceiling. "Jax get up." I said pulling him.

"I'm actually gonna go." He informed me. I nodded my head. 

"Finally." Daniel butted in. 

"Daniel!" I said, pointing at him. "No!" Jax opened the door and shut it behind him.  There was a pause between both of us before I huffed. I felt my face turning red and my ears getting hot, I was on the verg of a break down. "Daniel, I never stopped looking for you." I told him. He took a deep breath and nodded his head at me,  his eyes were about to flood over with tears and that broke my heart. "Just today," I said, holding my breath. "Was one of my down days... I've been overly depressed since everything that happened between us, that I just wanted to forget!" I said, clenching my fists by my sides. "I wanted to forget that I ever almost had a baby, I wanted to forget that I even had a brother and I wanted to forget that I even had you." 

"Oh thanks." He said, wiping the tears off his face.

"No listen, I wanted to forget so I could be happy, be at peace. But I wasn't at peace until an hour ago." He cracked a smile. I walked over to him and placed my hands on his face, "I found you." I said smiling. 

"Found you." He laughed and poked my nose.

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