Chapter 7 {Why didn't you follow me?}

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Chapter 7


The music blasted threw the doors, I'm surprised the glass on them hasn't cracked and shattered. Aali held tight to my hand as we walked in, sweat, alcohol and testosterone filled the air. "I thought we were gonna go somewhere half decent.." Aali said in my ear.

"It's Australia, babe. Nothing's half decent." She giggled at my comment and kissed my cheek.  

"DRINKS!" Luke shouted, everyone in the place cheered. We all walked over to the bar and ordered drinks. "So, wanna dance?" 

"Let me get a buzz on, then I won't give a shit." Aaliyah said, we all laughed and agreed with her.


Drink after drink after drink. I've lost count. All I know is right now, my mind and eyes are fucosed on Aali as her hips sway and rock to the beat of the music. She's made a new friend out on the dance floor, they were dancing and grinding on each other, thank god it's a chick. Although... 

No, I shake the idea out of my head. My eyes travle her body shamelessly as she lets go to the beat and starts jumping up and down like the rest of the crowd. Completely amazing, she is. 

I gulp down the rest of my drink and slowly make my way over to her, my hands pressing down on her hips. She turns and smiles at me, her hands snaking around the back of my neck. Our foreheads pressed together as we swayed back and fourth, her skirt going with the way of her hips. "You look beautiful." I told her. 

Her head went back in laughter, her back arching causing me to grip her tighter so she doesn't fall over. "You're beautiful." She tells me, poking my nose. We danced together for the next three songs before she looks up at me, "Daniel?" She says.


"Did you mean it when you said you loved me?" 

WAsn't expecting that. "Yes, why I just tell you that?" 

"I don;t know, a lot of men do that." She bit the inside of her cheek. "But you're not like them," She added. "You're.. Different, and I like that." She smiled, I  placed my lips to her forehead. "Can we go?" 


I found the rest of the boys and said goodbye to them and called a taxi. My arm hung tightly around her waist as we waited for the cab to get here, she shivered slightly, I looked down at her and took  off my blazer, putting it over her shoulders. She held it tightly and smiled up at me. "Where to?" The cab driver asked.

I gave him my address and he drove off.


"You've got a really nice place for a dude." Aali said. "It's so clean..." 

I laughed at her, my buzz wore off but Aaliyah's didn't. She never could handle her liquor all to well. "Yeah, I'm not a messy dude." I tell her, I grab a glass and fill it with water and grabbing the bottle of Advil and walk into the living room and sit beside her. "Here take these, so you'll advoid a headache in the morning."

She smiled as she took two and downed the water. "This reminds me of the the first time we went to that party together, and I ended up passing out in your backseat." She giggled.

"Didn't think you remembered that." I said, smiling at her and the memory of seeing her in my backseat, my sweater wrapped around her as she snorred way to loudly. "You were very talkitive that night." 

"I'm always talkitive." She defends.

"But you weren't with me before those drinks you chugged that night. We laid in my bed for hours, I just listened while you talked to me about anything and everything." 

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