Chapter 24 [Part one]

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Chapter 24


Daniel's pov

We've been in Alberta for two days now, just hanging out at the hotel. Aali comes out to tell me she thinks we better let her parents know that we're here now.  I nod my head and go to get dressed into something decent while Aali's perfectly fine with her sweats and short sleeve black v-neck. I trot out with a long sleeve shirt on and black jeans, "Ready?" I asked, throwing on a jacket. It's fucking cold here.

To say I'm nervous would be understatment. I'm about ready to shit my pants I'm so nervous.  We got rental car after the plane landed two days ago and now we're on our way to Aali's house before we. I can tell by the way Aali picks at her nails and chews on the inside of her cheek that she's just as nervous as I am, if not more. 

"I'll be right there." I tell her, taking her hand in mine. She smiles at me and squeezes my hands lightly before leaning her head on the window. I want her to know she's not alone, but I think it's better I just keep my mouth shut. 

I pull up to the house, driving in the gates and stopping at the top of the drive-way. Aali looks at me before she gets out and starts to head for the front door, I can tell she only feels like a guest in the house she grew up in and   I know that's taking a tole on her. I run up and grab her hand, waiting for the door to swing open. "Oh you made it." Her mother says with a weird tone in her voice,her eyes dart over to me. "Daniel?" She sounds surprised, I guess I would be to. "So you weren't lying." She said as she took Aali's hand into her's, staring at the ring.

Aali quickly pulled away, "Why would I lie about something like that?" 

"Oh you know, for more attention." Her mother laughed, what is wrong with this women. Aaliyah's jaw tensed and she exhaled harshly, walking into the house. It doesn't look any different, only feels different. Last time I was here it felt half lively, but now. It's dead and cold, like no one's lived in it for years. 

And I  can tell by the way her mum's face has sunken in a little and her eyes looked almost bruised with the lack of sleep and exhaustion she's experienced or experiencing, she feels it too. Aali's hand it cold under my touch and her face has dropped into a pale white, this is going to be one hell of a week. "So Daniel," Her dad says to me when we walk into the kitchen where he's seated at. "You never got my blessing to tie my daughter down." 

I bite back the laugh and try to keep myself from punching his head in. There's no way in hell he actually just said that me. He's in no way a father to her, he was just sort of here when she was younger but he had no job in rasing her, fucking dick. 

I'm surprised whenever Aali laughs out loud, snorting as she tries to contain the laughing fit. "You-" She waves her finger at her dad before laughing again, "Yo-" She tries again. "Oh fuck." 

"Aaliyah Bradley!" Her mum screams. 

"Oh whatever." Aali just waves her off, she's probably use to her mother freaking out at her. "Going to my room." She calls over her shoulder before dragging me with her. We get upstairs and we sit on her bed, this room hasn't changed either. "Fuckkkk them." She sighs when she plops on her bed. 

I get in beside her, rubbing circles over her stomach. Her bedroom door opens  before I can say anything to her, "I want you two to stay her tonight." Her mum comands. 

"Like fuck we are." Aali retorts. 

"You are, me and your father haven't been out in a while and want you two to stay here and hold it down." She straightens her back whenever she says 'in a while' like she's trying to keep herself from falling into pieces. "Great okay." She says while walking out. 

"Guess we're staying here." I sigh and lay my head down on her legs, her hands find my hair and I move my head to look at her. Her breathing is uneven and she looks like she's about to loose everything she's been holding in. "Baby.." I whispered, sitting up and pulling her into me. She doesn't protest against my will, she takes hold of me and latches herself on like a leeche desperate to stay alive. 

"I'm scared." She says into my shoulder. I can feel hot tears falling down my back from her eyes. 

I look at her, "Of what?" 

"This house." She whispers. 



I walk around the forgotten house with forgotten and banished memories. My arms have goosebumps as I walk past the living room, to many memories flood my mind from that one room. Daniel's gone to the hotel to tell them we're staying here for the night but we'd be back in the morning, and I'm scared shitless to be here. 

My mind races as the front door opens, but I quickly recover myself when a shivering Daniel with blue lips and sligthly frost-bitten skin. "Fucking cold." He says, rubbing his hands together.

"Yeah, it's like minus 40 here." I laugh at him. I hate Alberta, it's to fucking cold here. "Go have a hot shower, I'll make something to eat." I smile at him, he nods his head and rushes to the bathroom upstairs. I turn and walk into the kitchen, my eyes scanning for something to eat. 

But I stop in my tracks, my arms just about to open up the cupboards whenever I feel a gust of cold air hit my back and I freeze. My arms don't even drop from the position from my head, they just stay there and whenever I hear the words come out his mouth I feel like puking. 

"Long time no see." He seethed. I swallowed and turned around, Daniel's in the shower and there's no way he would hear me. "Heard you were coming back, thought I'd come say hi." 


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