Chapter 15 {Defiantly crazy}

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Chapter 15


I called the chines place on my way there, telling them I have 5 boys waiting for supper and they were working all day. Good thing the lady on the phone was english, or I guess spoke it. I'm still not use to the accents here.

Anyway, she told me she knew exactly what I needed. 

I pulled up in front of the restaurant, grabbed my purse and phone and walked in. I met a lady at the front desk, she was gorgeous, but than again I've noticed that with a lot of Aussie girls. Simply beautiful. "You must be Aaliyah Bradley." She said, reading the paper.

"That;s me." 

"Oh wait." She stood starring at me, her perfectly red-painted lips pursed up as she studied my features. "You're Daniel's ex, right?"

"Well, I was.." I smiled to myself, "But then we got back together." I put my hand out.

"Oh my lord, it;s beautiful!" She took my hand in her's. "Mind if I take a picture? I wanna you know, hint to my boyfriend." 

"Of course." I smiled, she then pulled her phone out of her bra and snapped a shot of it. "Is the food ready, though?"  I asked, looking behind her. 

"Ah yeah, but I'm gonna help you take it out. There's a lot," she moved out of the way as someone put another brown bag on top of three others. "See." She laughed. 

"Oh my." 

"So, I have to ask. Is all this for Daniel and the other boys?" She had a grin on her face, "Because last time I was a fan, Daniel had left because of you." 

K rude. "I never had any influence on him leaving, if that's what you're implying." I snapped back. 

"Really?" She fake gasped. She put her hand on her chest, "Because I heard it was because you killed his baby and then your brother was so upset that he killed himself." That kind-hearted-beautiful face girl is gone. 

She's transformed into a dump bitch. Or as Daniel would have called her, 'Flamming cunt.' I had to bit back the laugh that wanted to come out of my mouth. "How much?" I asked threw my teeth. 

"150 dollars." Her smile was to big for her fake face.  I passed her MY bank card, "Is this Daniel's? That's probably why you took him back right?" 

My head twitched. "Listen here you little shit," I leaned on the counter, my face not far from hers. "That is my bank card, I work. I went to school to become a Vet Tech, wish I could say the same for you. But I guess the uniform looks real good, and whenever you reach up your stomach popping out really adds to the effect it has on the costumers." 

Her breathing became heavy but she just looked at me. "That's all my money in there, so you can swipe the card and give me my food that I'm paying for. Or I can call your manager and tell her that you're being a huge fucking bitch to me and get your ass fired. Maybe I'll see you on the street bagging for my money instead of insulting it."

I got off the counter and slapped my card on the desk. She swiped it and handed me the thing so I could put in my pin number. I placed the thing back on the desk and took my card out after it was approved. I piled the bags in my arms and walked out of the place, fuck I can't stand bitches like that. 

I drove home pretty quick, road rage and all. I was fuming, my cheeks red with anger and my heart beating out of my chest due to the adrenaline rush I had minuets prier. 

I walked in the door with the food in my arms and put it down no the island with a thump. I stomped my feet into the bathroom and screaming "Ugh!" Before slamming the door shut. 

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