Chapter 18 {Wedding dress.}

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Chapter 18


It was finally Satruday morning, which means Jayden and I are going shopping for her dress. To say I'm excited would be understatment. 

I'm gonna pee I'm so excited.

Daniel's off shooting the thing for his work, or doing something to get it ready. So I have the house to myself, speaking of which, we need to get on the ball with this thing. The floors aren't ripped out yet and the walls are still white, I feel like I'm in a rubber room. 

I ran my fingers threw my hair as I choose my outfit, dark blue ripped jeans and a peach-cream coloured lace tank top. I did my make up and put in earrings and then fluffed my half-curled hair. I checked one last time before grabbing my keys and calling Jayden as I put my pink Converses on. "Hello?" She answered.

"Hey, are you ready?" I was going to pick her up. 

"Yes I am, I was just about to call  you." 

"Alright, I'm leaving the house now." I said as I closed the door and locked it. I hung up and jogged over to my car. 


"So where are we going?" I asked as she got in the car. She was dressed in dark blue jeans and a white tank with tan boot heels. A blue and gold cuff was around her wrist, she was so beautiful.  

"Ah, it's called Essense of Australia." She said looking at her phone. I nodded my head, "You know where it is?" 

"Yeah, I was looking at their stuff online, they have beautfiul dresses." 

"I know! I like those jeans by the way." She said, poking my thigh.

I giggleg, "They're called boyfriend jeans, I think they're Areopostal?"

"You should be wearing fiance jeans."   She joked. I looked over at her and scuffed jokingly, she just wiggled her eyes at me."I'm starving, haven't ate all day."

"Wanna get lunch first?"

"And be bloated for my fitting, nope." I just laughed at her, she was a very tiny person she could use a burger. {Alexandria Daddario} We pulled up to a red light and I sat back in my seat with one hand on the steering wheel, "What are you thinking about?" She poked me again.

"The house, I don't know when we're going to get the time to do something with it."

"I'll come over after looking today and help." She smiled. 

The light turned green and drove up a little, pulling into the shop parken lot. "I would, but I'm to embarassed." I blushed.

"That bad?" 

"Well no, it's just. There's paint all over the floors from the other day whenever they were 'painting' and matresses on the living room floor. I literally feel like I'm sleeping in an abondanded home." We unbuckled our belts and started walking toward the door. "It's a lovely home though, pool in the back yard, rooms downstairs it's beautiful. But it just needs something done, I really wanna have a house warming party because we didn;t with the last one." 

"Hi there, do you have an appointment?" The lady at the desk asked.

"Yes, Jayden Myers." The lady typed on the computer and then nodded her head and telling us to come this way. "So many." Jayden whispered to me. 

"Hmm, they're gorgeous." 

"Anything in paticular?" The girl asked. We shook our heads, not really knowing what to look for. "I think I know." She said smiling. She walked out back and we heard bags rummaging around, we looked at each other and raised our eyebrows and then laughed. "Here we go." She put three white gowned bags in the dressing room.  

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