Chapter 4 { That feeling }

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I looked down at Aali laying down by my side. Her eyes were closed shut and soft snors were falling out her mouth. My elbow was propped on the arm of her couch with my other arm drapped down her body. I bit my finger nail and smiled down at her, slowly, I stood up and pulled her into my arms bridal style.

I walked into her room and pulled back her bed sheets and placed her down on the bed. I pulled the covers over her made my way toward the door.

I stopped when I heard a rustle from behind me, "Daniel?"

I turned around and seen Aali propped on her elbow. "Yeah?"

I watched as she stood up from the bed and stood in front of me. "Don't leave..." She pouted. The words rang threw my head and I almost hit the side of head to try and knock out the memories of when I said that to her. I breathed out when I felt her hands fall apon my chest, she ran them up and down before she unzipped my sweater. Her hands came back up as she pushed my sweater down and off my body.

I gulped as I looked down at her, "Aali." I said breathlessly.

"Shh." She hissed.

Her arms wrapped around my waist as they ran up my back, oh that feeling. I took a deep breath in and hugged her back. She looked up at me, "I missed you." Her eyes held tears that she was holding back.

I touched her cheek and smiled down at her, "I missed you, baby." She got on her tip toes and kissed my bottom lip, it wasn't long before I grabbed her face and kissed her harder. I stumbled back and hit her wall, I turned us around and her back hit the wall. She moaned as I grabbed her ass and lifted her up, her legs wrapping around me as her hands went threw my hair.

"Daniel." She moaned breathlessly.

"Hmm?" I asked threw the kiss.

"Take me." She begged.

I looked at her and breathed out. Woo.

I took her over to her bed and sat down, placing her on my lap. She looked down at me, her eyes wild as she lifted the hem of my shirt up, tugging it over my head. My hands freely roamed her body up and down and I tore off her. She let out a breath as her arms went up and she swung her head as her hair fell over her. "Oh my god I missed you." I told her, my lips pulled into a smile as I laid my forehead on her stomach.

Her hands went threw my hair, gently pulling it back to make me look at her. "Kiss me." She begged. I did as I was told and pulled her body down over me, she hovered over me and kissed me over and over again. Her hips slid against my crotch and I groaned out in pleasure; I missed her.

So much.

"Aali." I breathed.

She sat up and started to kiss down my chest, making her way down and stopping at the bottom of my stomach. Her tongue licked the top above my belt line and I almost lost it right there. I looked down and seen her looking up at me as she undid my belt buckle and pop the button on my pants, she cocked an eyebrow at me before slowly dragging my pants down.

Before I could say or do anything I felt her mouth wrap around me along with her hand doing the bottom work her mouth couldn't fit.

I threw my head back in pleasure and moaned. I propped myself up on my elbows to watch her do her work. Her eyes flicked up at me while her cheeks sucked in and her tongue swriled around me.

"Aali, baby." I teethed. I sat up and she got down on the floor underneath me with her mouth still wrapped around me. My stomach twisted and did flips, "Aali, if you're gonna finish me off I'm gonna go in .2 seconds." I warn, I don't wanna finish yet ...

With one last twist of her hand and fliick of her tongue she lets go. I look down at her and run my hand threw her hair, she licks up the bottom of my dick and stands up. I watch as she takes off her jeans and throws them across the room, leaving her in the sexiest lingerie I've ever seen.

I take her hands and pull her so she's standing in front of me between my legs. My hands roam her ass and slip off her panties, she giggles and steps out of them.

I reach up and unclasp her bra, sliding her straps down her arms and letting it fall to the floor.

"Oh my god." I moan as I take in her body with my eyes. "Fucking beautiful." I groan.

"Daniel." she says softly.


"Lay down." she smiles. I lay down and she climbs on too of me, my hands roam her while she kisses me all over. I can't help the smile that forms on my lips with her simply gesture.

We both partially scream out whenever she finally slides it in. Aali started to moan and my name kept slipping from her mouth as her hands go threw my hair and tug it back.

"Oh my god. Oh my god." she screams

"I've missed you." I tell her as I thrust in and out of her. Watching her ride me is way better than watching her blow me. "Aali.. I-"

"Hold it!" she snaps.

"Okay onay, i don't know how much long-"

She screams out my name and then collapses on too of me just as I finish. I grunt and pull her off me so I don't go inside her.

"Holy fuck." she says beside me, her chest going up and down.

"Yeah." is the only thin I can say.

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