Chapter 19 {Bad MacDonald's?}

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Chapter 19


"So how was the shooting?" Aali asked before taking a bit of her burger.

"It was good actually, I showed Luke the lay out I wanted and he did the rest. We didn't get much shooting done, but we got it all planned out." 

Her face dropped in disappointment as she looked at me. "You were gone for like 12 hours and didn't get any shooting done." 

"No, we;re doing some of the tomorrow. We shot some of Sydney though." I took a drink of my pop. 

"Oh, that's not bad then." She cleared her throat, "So I was thinking if maybe we could have a house warming party after everything put together? You can like invite over your co-workers?" 

"Of course, what did you and Jayden do today?" 

"Dress shopping, she's getting married too." She had a big smile on her face, which made me smile. "Her dress is beautiful, I can show you when we go home."

"You didn;t get one?"

"Oh god no, not yet. Besides, dresses are expensive and we're doing a house right no. Jesus no, that's to over whelming." 

"So no planning yet then?" I was very eager to marry her.  She shook her head and laughed, "But why." I pouted.

"There's just to  much on the run right now. Soon I promise." She squeezes my hand and smiles at me. 


"I really like this bed set." I say as I plop down beside her. I just finished putting up the blinds and curtens. 

"Hmm, It's comfy isn't it." She smiles as she bites her bottom lip. She gets under the blankets and sighs, putting her hand on her forehead, "I'm so scared for Alberta."

I get in beside her and cuddle up with her, "Why?"

She shrugs, "My parents are assholes now, I don't know. My mom texted me earlier today telling me to sing at the party, not asking if I could. Telling me that I am, ugh!" Her fists hit the blankets beside her. "She's such bullshit, but I wanna go see Chance so I guess I have to put up with it." 

"Everything will be okay." I told her. Lexi and Nala both jumped on the bed at the same time, Lexi coming up beside Aali and Nala up with me. She cuddled into Lexi and kissed me and said good night, turning off the light she put Lexi in the middle between both of us and we fell alseep. 


I shot up from my sleep, I looked at the clock and it was only 2 in the morning. One hand went to my aching stomach and the other to my mouth, "Oh god." I must've had bad MacDonald's or something because I'm about to puke my fucking guts up. I run into the bathroom across the hall, I don;t wanna wake Daniel up in the onsuit bathroom. 

My hands go on my knees as I struggle for air in between the heaves. My eyes are watering and I'm drooling, aboustly disgusting. After I know I'm done I brush my teeth and go into the kitchen for a glass of warm milk and something to fill my now empty stomach. I feel dizzy and it gets worse as I reach for a glass. 

I put my hand on my forehead and tears start spilling out my eyes, I hated throwing up it made me feel disgusting and I couldn't handle it. I don't know why, but I've always cried during and after throwing up, my ribs just feel like they're being broken. 

"Aali." I heard my name being whispered, I turn around with my glass in my hand and a piece of bread stuffed in my mouth. "Aali!" I look around while chewing and then I see him, yet again. "Come here." His head is cocked over to the living room. 

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