Chapter 24 [Part Two]

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Chapter 24

"Long time no see." He seethed. I swallowed and turned around, Daniel's in the shower and there's no way he would hear me. "Heard you were coming back, thought I'd come say hi."

"Okay hi." I said in a monotoned voice. I step back when he takes a step forward. "You've said hi, you can leave now."

"Oh but Aali, I just got here." He cocks a smirk at me and I look away, I know that look all to well. His hand touches my hair, tucking it behind my ear.I pull away from his touch and move to the other side of the counter, only to have him take longer strides over to me. His hand brushes over my cheek before grabbing it between his thumb and fingers. I close my eyes and sigh, hoping Daniel is almost done of his shower. "Where's your fight, baby?"

"Don't call me that."

"There it is, I was beginning to think you went soft on me." He smiled. His eyes went angry when he looked down at my finger, "What the fuck is this?" He barked in my face.

"A ring." I swallowed. "I'm getting married, Alec." I told him, his face hardened and his eyes went almost black. But I was use to this, his mood swings don't phase me anymore and sadly, he doesn't even scare me. The only reason why I'm not fighting against him right now is because of my baby, I don't want her to get hurt.

"Married?" His head tilted and he looked so confused as if the word 'marriage' was complete foreign to him. I nodded my head, Daniel where are you! "Married?" He asked again. "To whom?"

"Daniel." I reply with a sigh, I'm so over fighting this guy.

"That prick you use to drool over on fucking Youtube?" My blood burns when he calls Daniel a prick. "Really Aali? I thought you'd at least try better." He scuffed.

"Try better?" I questioned, he nods his head. "Like better as in marry you?" I look away before I turn my head back to him, where's Daniel! "Right, because you're the best thing for me." I said to myself out loud.

"Excuse me?" He snapped. "I gave you everything!" He spat in my face. Like fuck he did. "I treated you like fucking gold, pulled you out of your depression and now you're here telling me you're marrying some jackass who gets his pay cheques from fucking Youtube?"

"STOP CALLING HIM THAT!" I screamed, "You gave me nothing but broken bones and bruises!" He flinched back at my words, that took me by surprise. "You fucking runined my Goddamn life, you fucking asshole! You threw my around like I was just some toy and beat the shit out of me whenever I didn't as I was told! If anyone's the prick, it's you!"

My cheek is stinging within seconds of my outburst. Making me fall to the floor holding my already swollen cheek. I knew coming back here was a fucking mistake. "How can you talk to me like that!" He said, gripping the back of my head, "Huh? How!"

"DANIEL!" I screamed threw sobs. "DANIEL! HELP!"

"He's here?" Alec asked, pushing my head to the floor. "HEY DANIEL, I THINK WE HAVE SOME BUSINESS WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT!" Alec called out, I swear to fucking god! Daniel comes running downstairs, his hair still wet but he has clothes on. "Oh hey there, mate." Alec mocked.

Daniel's eyes darted from Alec and to me on the floor. "Aali, baby are you okay!" He pushes past Alec, Alec turns around when Daniel walks past and stares at me on the floor. He laughs which brought Daniel's attention off me and back to him. "Are you fucking serious?" He asks, standing up and getting in Alec's face. I slowly pull myself off the floor, wiping the tears off my face and stepping back. Daniel's been waiting for this moment for the last couple years.

"Aw look at this, Aali. Your huddy is standing up for you." Alec laughs in Daniel's face, which is only making this worse. I look away, up at the celin. "She's not even paying attention to you, bud. Why are you even bothering?"

"She's paying attention, but she's pregnant and can't get worked up or overwhelmed." Daniel stated. His voice is nothing but pure satisfaction as he watches Alec's skin crawl off him.

"A baby?" He says in a confused tone again. He tries to run at me, "A BABY!"He screams. Daniel's arms wrap around him and he forces Alec to the ground.

"Let's get one thing straight right here and right now you fucking mutt!" He spits. "I told her that if you ever got out of jail and came after her ever again I was gonna knock your fucking lights out!" His fist came across Alec's jaw. "You're a total waste of space, you fucking asshole!" Another punch. "How could you ever put your hands on her! Look at her, she's the most beautfiul thing in this fucking world! And took everything out of her!"

Another punch.

"You've broken everything inside of her goddamn body!" Another punch, "She was to scared to even let me hug her, BECAUSE OF YOU!" My heart is pounding in my chest, Daniel actually noticed these things? I thought I covered them up?

My heart is heavy my stomach is crunching and I'm falling apart.

This is why I can not! Be in Alberta, I'm gonna loose my mind, I can't handle this!

"ENOUGH!" I screamed, my hands pulling at my own hair. Daniel and Alec both stopped throwing punches, both their faces are bloody and it's smudged all over their faces. "FUCK ENOUGH!"

Before I could even think about what I was doing, my hands were on Alec-pulling him off Daniel- and throwing him in the hallway. "GET OUT! GET OUT! GET OUT!" there were no tears, just anger, pure fucking anger filling my body- my veins- and that's what was pushing me.

"Baby please." Alec stuttered, he attempted to take a step toward me, but my hand pressed against his chest and he went backwards again. "Baby!" he called out again.

I could Daniel's heavy breathing and I knew he was going to charge. Every time Alec called me baby, Daniel's eyes went a shade redder. "You get the fuck out of this house and stay the fuck away from me and my family!" I screeched. This probably wasn't the best thing for a pregnant women to be doing. But I'm sick of hiding in the dark because of this asshole.

"But Aaliy-"

"GET OUT!" I screamed again. I shoved him out of the house, he went to grab my wrist but Daniel punched his chest. Alec, almost literally, flew out of the house.

The adrenaline was taking it's course and I was becoming weak and exhausted. My cheek started to sting even more than it already did and my head was pounding against my skull.

But I don't care about me, the looks on Daniel's face as he leaned against the door, his eyes lost and blood still pouring out his nose, made me rush over to him. "Are you okay?" I asked, pushing on his nose.

"Ow ow ow." he said, gently pushing me away.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!" tears pricked my eyes at the sight of him. An my heart hurt because he got hurt.

"Aali, baby. Stop." he lightly laughed, "come upstairs with me." we walked upstairs and into the bathroom, he sat me on the counter and looked at my cheek. "Does it hurt?" he asked, I looked down and nodded my head. He kissed my forehead and lightly ran his thumb over my cheek.

"Let me clean you up." I said, grabbing a clothe and wetting it with warm water. He let me standing up from the sink so I could see what I was doing, I told him to sit on the toilet and he did. "It might hurt..." I said before bringing the clothe to his mouth

"Ah fuck." he cursed.

"I told you." I winced back at the face he made when I tried to clean off the dry blood. "Just grab me if it hurts." he nodded his with his lip between his teeth and smirk on playing on his smudged face.

"Okay," I breathe in, "one... Two.. three!" I drag the clothe over his face, getting rid of the blood in one swipe.

He cries out in pain and grabs the back of my thighs, his head resting on my legs as he screams. "Shh baby." I giggle as my hands run threw his hair, playing with it to calm him down.

"Fucking fuck!" he faces me again, "I hate that fucking prick!" he seethed.

"Yeah, me too. Hopefully he's gone now." I touch his cheek and he pulls me closer to him. His arms wrap around my thighs and his hands play on my back. "I love you." I whisper before kissing his forehead.

"I'm in love with you." he smiles.

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