Chapter 13 {Promotion party p.3}

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Chapter 13

We pulled up to a huge house, and I mean huge . My hands were placed on the window as I looked at the house in awe. "It's so big! "

"He owns his own Law Firm Aaliyah, he has to show something for it." Daniel told me as he unbuckled his seat belt. He jogged over to my side and helped me out, "That dress seems a little thight." He says as he took me by the waist and led me into the massive house. 

"Daniel! Mate!" A man in a suit walked up and 'bro hugged' him. Then turned to me, his finger pointed in my face but his eyes didn't meet mine. Still locked with Daniel's. "T-this is your plus one?" He asked, now looking at me.. Or scanning me because his eyes wouldn't stop going up and down. 

Daniel must've noticed because his grip on me tightened and I was pulled closer into his side. "Yes she is." 

"I said bring a model, not a super model." He smiled at me and I smiled back. I couldn't help as my cheeks turned rose red, his hand went to my neck and he leaned into my ear. "You'll be out doing all this chicks in here tonight." He said, his tone was a little off but I  was with Daniel and if there were any problems he'd do something. 

That I was sure of. 

"Alright, drink?" Daniel asked, pulling my face away from his bosses, thank fuck. 

"Yes please." I told him, he nodded and pulled me over to drink table. 

"Any problems," He said, leaning in my face, our noses touching. "You tell me." He pointed to his chest. 

"I know." 

"I'll take care of anyone around here, I promise you that. Just don't go wandering everywhere and get yourself lost." His tone was teasing but stern at the same time, he  gave me a quick kiss before he gave my bum a small tap. "Have some fun, baby." He bit my ear slightly, making me gasp. 

"I will." 

"I have to go meet some people, the boys should be here soon." His smile widened. 

"Really?" I am as surprised as my voice gives way. 

"Yes, so just keep an eye out for them. And remember, anything or anything touches you or says something you don't like, I don't care if I'm meeting the president. You come to me." I nodded my head and kissed him again. I watched as a group of well dressed men openly greeted him in their circle,  all having drinks in hand. 

Daniel shook their hands and they laughed at  a joke he must've made. I found myself smiling as I watched them, he's all grown up. He's not that cheeky little 19 year old I fell in love with over the internet, he's the cheeky almost 23 year old that I'm still in love with. 

I found myself wandering around the house, but away from the party. It was just.. Everything in this house was amazing, the paintings, the decor. It made me wonder if I'd ever have something like this again, well not exactly like this, but the house Daniel and I once shared was nicely decorated and was my dream home.

I didn't feel good so I just walked around with my glass in hand, pretending I was drinking it. And by the looks of it, Daniel's not gonna be driving tonight, he's already on his third glass of wine. 

I turned around and looked at the door, just as I thought, Luke, James, Beau and Jai all stepped in and did they ever look good. I walked over to them with a smile plastered on my face. "Hey!" 

"Aali!" Luke said, hugging me.

"You guys look amazing!" I tell them, checking them all out. 

'Thank you, now where's our Skippy at?" Beau asked, pulling his blazar down. 

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