Chapter 23 {four months}

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Chapter 23

We walked out of my room and I noticed Daniel looking around like a lost puppy, a glass in his hand and Jai beside him looking around also. "Hey guys." I said, lacing my arm around Daniel's wasit.

"Shit we were looking for you." Jai said, pushing my head slightly. I gave him a glare and pushed him back, he stumbled but caught his balance, "Wouldn't wanna fight her." He joked, Daniel just nodded his head and I felt pretty proud of that.


Soon enough, the party ended and everyone went home, leaving Daniel and I a bunch of house warming gifts and a big mess. I sighed and started cleaning up, only to have a pair of hands drag across my lower back and pull me away from the mess by my hips. "Let me do it, you go rest." Daniel said in my ear, rubbing my back with his hand. I smiled when he kissed my forehead and shooed me away into the bedroom. I laid down in bed and took out my phone, deciding on twitter.

I almost shit whenever I seen a bunch of photos of me and Daniel walking around on the streets, one of the, I guess 'news update' accounts, has a headline with a picture linked to it of me and Daniel. "Is Daaliyah back together?" Everyone's commenting on it and asking if the boys are getting back together. It makes me angry, it's been three years and people are still taking photos and plastering us all over the internet.

I lock my phone and turn over,I have an appointment tomorrow with the doctor and I don't think he'd be pleased with me if I'm overly stressed. So I did what Daniel said and laid down, my mind went numb and hazy as sleep took over and within minuets I was out like a light.

"What do you mean?" I looked up at the moniter.

"I'm sorry.. But you've lost another one."

"No! There's no way! I'm four months!" I cry out, my hands gripped the table while anger flashed threw me. "What happened?!"

"You just didn;t care." He stated simply.

I looked over at Daniel, he had a smile a his face. "Why are you smiling?"

"You think I wanted a baby with you?" My eyes went wide and filled with tears at his words. "That's the only reason you have the on your finger," He poined to my ring, "You think I wanna be known as the dead-beat? No fucking thank you. But now that you've killed another, we're good to go." He put his hand out, I looked at him hurt and confused. "Give me the fucking ring!"

I shot up in my bed, my body heavy and my head pounding. I looked around and then at my hands, I jumped out of bed and looked at the bedsheets, making sure I didn't miscarry again. I slumped to the floor, my hands on my face and slipping into my hair. I pulled it while I vilolently sobbed in the corner of my bedroom, I saw the sheets move and then Daniel sat up, "Aali?" He called out for me.

I started to rock back and fourth, the words replaying in my mind over and over and over. "Are you okay?" He asked, he was down by my side in not even half a minuet just holding me while I cried on his shoulder. "Bad dream?" He asked, I nodded my head and nuzzled it into his neck. "Wanna talk about it?"

"I lost the baby again." I whispered, pulling away from him and twiddling my thumbs. I sniffed, "And then you were happy because you didn't want a baby with me and you said that's the only reason why you married me." I sobbed.

He shook his head, "No baby." His hands went threw my hair and down my cheek to my arm before he sighed and moved closer to me. "I only want a baby with you, no one else. And as for the marrying part, I didn't even know my baby was growing inside you." His hands rubbed circles over my stomach, calming me. I closed my eyes and breathed out my nose, he's right. "Warm milk?" He asks, I giggle and nod my head.

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