Chapter 14 {New home}

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Chapter 14


It's been three days and Aali's been acting out, I guess you could say.

She's quiet and only talks when spoken to, i don't if it's the fact she now realizes she's gettig married or if the whole Liam and Jax thing has spooked her into a different world.

I mean, it's done me no good. Knowing the my neighbor, who has talked about Aali ever since I've moved in there, touched her and has made her shut down.. it makes me wanna smash his door down and throw him out his window.

"I have to go get my stuff out of the flat, the boys will be there if you wanna come too?" I asked, kneeling beside er on the floor.

"You didn't show me where you were moving." she shyly smiled.

I laughed and shook my head, "you still haven't showed me your new car." I winked.

Her eyes lit up and she ran to her room and got dressed out of her pajamas. She came back almost ten minuets later in black skinnies and a hot pink loose t shirt.

She place a grey beanie over her head and grabbed her car keys and sunglasses. "Can I bring Lexi?"

"Course." I smiled. She grabbed my hand and almost literally dragged me out of her flat.

We walked down into the parking lot and she unlocked it, lights flashed from a white jeep compass.

"Defiantly your type." I told her

"Compliment?" she looked at me.

"Yes. it's better than a damn Jetta, bigger, and is a way better fit for you."

"Alright." she laughed, she opened the back door and placed Lexi in back, she hopped in the front. "You drive, I don't know where I'm going." she threw me the keys through the driver side door.

"Right." I got in, it's so small compared to mine. "This feels weird." I complained.

"Oh stop, want me to call Jai and see if they're ready?" she asked. I nodded and she called him .


we all pulled up to Daniels place, "Is he on his way?" James asked.

"Yeah, Aali just called me and told me."

"Should we go up? Daniel gave me his key?" I told them showing the key. They nodded an got out, we walked up and noticed there was a door opened. I looked in it and seen Liam standing there looking at us.

"Seriously..." luke exclaimed, his arms hitting his thighs.

We all turned our heads and stood at Daniels door. "Wheres daniel?" he asked.

I sighed, "on his way."

"Nice to see you Jai." he nodded at me, fuck he creeps me out.

"You too." I said, jiggling the keys in the lock. Finally it opened.

We were about to walk in, "How's Aaliyah?"

Luke almost choked, "what?" we all looked back, "How the fuck do you know Aali ?"

"Daniels fuck toy." Liam shrugged.

Luke looked like he was gonna choke him out, "You mean fiancé?" beau corrected. Liam stepped back, and we walked in and locked the door behind us. "He's always gave me the creeps." beau shivered.

The door opened to reveal Daniel holding Aali, literally carrying her. He looked at us as to say 'one sec,'  and took her into the bathroom. He  whispered something to her and then came out, "Sorry." He said, "Brought boxes." He opened his door again boxes were outside of it. We all took the boxes in and Daniel pointed over to the spot in the living  room. 

"What's wrong with Aaliyah?" I had to ask.

Daniel turned around, his eyes on the floor. He coughed a little before his eyes flickered between all of us, "She's going threw some stuff." He stated with no emotion. 

"Pregnant?" Beau laughed, James choked out a fake cough and Daniel looked at him with angry eyes. Realization hit Beau like a brick and he backed away, "Sorry mate.. I forgot.."

Daniel just ignored him and we started packing things, asking Daniel what goes with what and what he wants us to do with it. 

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