Quick Ways To Tell if He's Attracted to You

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  Don't worry, you won't have to do anything too obvious to find out, all you need to do is study him a little closer to find your answer. 

 Step 1: What's He Looking At

Have you noticed that he has been looking at you a lot more often these days? If you notice he is making more eye contact with you or staring at you, he is probably attracted to you. He is enthralled in your beauty and he is probably fantasizing about kissing you.

Step 2: A Bit Too Touchy Feely

Besides looking at you, is he touching you much more now? He may softly touch your shoulder, arm, or hand as you talk. This is because touching you temporarily tapers his intense feelings of attraction. Is he finding reasons to drift closer towards you? This is often the first subtle (or not so subtle) step men take when they are in the presence of a woman they find attractive. Next time you are in a bookstore, you might notice him conveniently browsing the books nearest to you. Most guys are simply hoping that by being near to you they are going to end up talking to you (even if they do forget to open their mouths!) By touch I don't necessarily mean anything sexual. I simply mean that a guy is looking for reasons to break the physical barrier with you. Guys will use any excuse to do this. He might playfully tap you on the arm, touch your back as he walks behind you, or even make an excuse to high-five you! Look for signs of him being tactile with you in a way that he isn't with other people.

Step 3: Check His Personality

Now that you examined if he stares at you and if he is touching you more, take a look around at interactions he has with other people. Does he gaze at other people as he does with you (especially females) and is he generally comforting? This will help you determine if it's just a personality trait or if it's really because he is attracted to you. In conversation, does he offer up information that you hadn't really asked for? When a guy is attracted, you'll often find him talking about his achievements, the last place he went on holiday, his passions. These are great signs. It's just his way of looking for your approval. If he's investing time in telling you about himself and his life, it'd a great sign! When conversation dies down for a few seconds, is he the one to revive it? If you go to the bathroom, does he come and find you again afterwards even if you don't automatically come back to him? Look for signs that he is trying to extend the interaction. If you're in a loud environment, is he the one leaning in to listen to your response? You can usually tell which person is investing the most amount of effort and energy by simply looking at who is leaning in.

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