How to Let a Guy Friend Know You're Not Interested In a Nice Way Part 2

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Say how much you value his friendship.
This should be absolutely true. Let him know that he really is an important friend to you, and that you're so lucky to have him. Though you shouldn't say you don't want to date him because he's such a good friend, do say that you hope this doesn't get in between your friendship, and tell him that he's been such an amazing friend to you.

Be sincere. Make eye contact and speak slowly to let him know how much he really means to you.You don't have to go overboard. Don't spend twenty minutes extolling his greatest features. He'll begin to think, "If I'm so great, then why won't she date me?"

Take the time to listen to him. Once you've said your piece, it's likely that he'll have something to say back to you. Maybe he'll ask some questions, ask what he could have done differently, or just tell you he's hurt. Or he'll even show that he's a bit mad, and you'll see that his pride is wounded.

Whatever his reaction, take the time to let him talk to you while you nod, listen, and ask questions at the right time. Don't let it feel like a one-way exchange.Don't interrupt him. If he talks, you'll have a better sense of how deep his feelings are, and it can help you see where the friendship stands. You may find out if he has a harmless crush or has been in love with you for years.

Don't make it awkward. After you've told him your news, you should avoid being awkward about it. After your conversation, it's likely that you'll still see each other, so don't avoid him, blush, or try to run away if you see him. Just keep hanging out with your group of friends, and be nice when you see him.

Don't make things more awkward by telling everyone what happened. If you're in the same group of friends, then everyone around you will be making things awkward too.

Take a break.
Though you can eventually resume your friendship, you should take it easy for a little while. Remember that time you liked a guy who didn't like you back? Well, did you love hanging out with him after you found out the truth? Probably not. He may be hurting just by being around you, so try to cool it on the solo-friendship front.

You can still be nice if you see him in groups, but don't invite him out to movies, coffee dates, or whatever it is you used to do all the time every chance you get.Don't ignore him completely. You can invite him somewhere once in a while so he doesn't feel like you're avoiding him. But wait for him to initiate the friendship move.

Go back to being friends. It may take time for you to go back to being friends with the guy after he revealed his feelings. But in many cases, this is completely doable, as long as there isn't too much water under the bridge. Give it a few weeks, or even a few months, and resume hanging out just like you used to. Who knows -- maybe you'll even be able to laugh about the situation one day, or find out that you're developing a crush on the guy two years down the road.

Unfortunately, there are some cases where it's just not possible for you to return to your former friendship. The guy may feel too hurt or embarrassed, and being around you may only make him feel worse. If this is the case, then accept it and move on.Don't tell any lies to get yourself out of this sticky situation! You don't want him to believe something that isn't true!Be aware of his feelings, you don't want him to not trust you anymore.If you know that you would never want to go with him, tell him that he's not for you. Giving him false hope will just be hurt him later.Use words as friends or buddies so he could find out that you're not interested.

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