If a girl ignores a guy, will it make him chase her?

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  Not always.

It's kind of a mind hack, and it works as well on women as on men. The question, though, is why? Do you want that kind of relationship? I try not to judge other people's personal choices, but if you make a relationship based on chasing, then don't be surprised if it doesn't ever become something stable.

ETA: It's even worse than that. Acting like this won't make guys chase you, but it will pre-select guys for that quality. A higher percentage of guys who get to you will be of the chasing variety. Is this desirable to you?

The more hurdles you put in the way of someone connecting with you, the more you'll find yourself surrounded by those who like to overcome hurdles and are good at doing it. This happens all the time, and then women bemoan where all the decent men are. Well, there are plenty, but they are put off by the hurdles, because aggressively overcoming them is not what they enjoy doing.  

  Maybe it would work with some guys, but most of the guys would never chase you if you ignore them. In fact, they'd just forget about you and look for someone else. As a guy, I personally feel that its an utter waste of time if I chase someone who ignores because, because I'm not really sure she'd accept me or not. If she doesn't, then all my 'chasing' would be completely wasted, and in that time I could have actually found someone else who wouldn't play mind games with me, and just finalize it with a 'yes' or 'no'.  

Does Ignoring a Guy Get His Attention?

Does ignoring a guy really work? Well, it depends on the man and the situation. If the guy is interested in you and you are ignoring him, I think that might work. But if the guy is not into you, he will ignore you back.

Then again, there are type of guys who don't like to be ignored. For them, it's a major turn off. There are also those who really like the thrill of the chase, so ignoring them will only make them come after you harder. For these men, the thrill of the chase is exciting and mysterious. And getting a woman who appears out of reach will feel like a challenge. The more unattainable the woman is, the more he wants her.

Situations like this are case by case. It depends on the character of the guy and what type of guy he really is. If the guy you like is adventurous and loves the thrill of the chase, then maybe ignoring him really works. If not, that means one thing: he doesn't like you back.

How Long to Ignore a Guy Until He Reacts

There are many ways to get a guy's attention. If ignoring him works in your case then by all means do so. But if the guy doesn't like to be ignored, then work out some ways to get his attention. If you are too shy to ask him out, ask your friends to help you out. For some strange reason, if a guy likes you, he will make an effort to ask you out and to spend time with you. It's just a guy thing. If he really wants to be with you, he will ask you out, no matter the situation.

One more thing: if ignoring him seems to work, do not ignore him once he comes to you. He might lose his interest if you keep on ignoring him far too long. There's playing hard to get and there's giving someone the cold shoulder.

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