Ways To Stop Liking Someone

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Let Yourself Be Sad

Deciding to stop liking someone is tough. Even though you may feel lame for being so bummed out, you shouldn't. An important step to getting over anything is to let yourself be sad for a little bit rather than pushing those emotions away. Take a day or night to cry it out, eat some ice cream and watch some sad movies. Let it all out and you'll feel refreshed later on.

Distance Yourself

Once you decide you're ready to move on, the most important thing to do is to distance yourself from this dude. You can't forget about someone if they're constantly in your face. If you sit next to him in class, see if you can change your seat. For the first few weeks, you may need to avoid areas you know he's going to be. Consider deleting him off of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. If you're not ready to take that step, just block him for a while. It's hard to do at first, but I promise it will make the process easier and faster.

Don't Get Angry Instead

Replacing your feelings of lust with feelings of anger and bitterness is not the answer. Don't turn your crush into anger - you'll still be thinking about him and obsessing about him, just in a different way. It may feel good to bash him to your friends and to tear him apart for everything he's ever done wrong, but in the end it's not a great solution. Some people just aren't meant to be together and getting angry about it isn't going to change anything.

Stop Talking About Him

Talk about him as little as possible. Let your friends know you're trying to move on and you'd appreciate if they didn't bring his name up. Talk to your bestie about your feelings if you really need to let it all out, but don't make it a regular habit. And don't let your friends update you about what he's been up to. The trick is to forget about him as much as you can.

Realize That It May Take Time

It's important to keep in mind that the process of getting over someone usually isn't super quick. Thinking that you'll be fine in a few days is only going to lead to some pretty frustrating results that may end up making you reconsider the whole thing. Instead of telling yourself this will be quick and easy, remind yourself that it's a slow process sometimes and that's fine. Take things one step at a time.

Meet New People

Meeting new people and having new experiences is a great way to forget about someone - plus, it's fun, obviously! I'm not saying you have to go out there and meet a bunch of new guys... new friends work also. These new pals will probably know nothing about your former crush, which is also an advantage. Having a good time with new people will definitely keep you distracted and happy.

Be Realistic

Yes, crushes hurt and getting over them is difficult. But it can be really easy to get super dramatic about these sort of things nad sometimes we need a reality check. You may need to remind yourself that you're not getting over the biggest love of your life here - it's just a crush. I'm not trying to downplay your pain, I'm just saying: be realistic. This wasn't the last guy in the world. You will find someone else.

Think About Something Else

There will probably be a few times where you start daydreaming about your crush out of habit. Don't let yourself do that! If you find your thoughts straying back to your crush, you should actively convince yourself to think about other things. Daydream about Ryan Gosling and Zayn Malik instead. Fantasize about your perfect vacation. Hey, even think about school. Anything but your crush!

Flirt With Someone

In order to get over someone, you don't need to go out there and find someone else to start obsessing over right away. In fact, don't do that. But a little harmless flirting might be just the thing you need. Casually flirt with a guy you feel comfortable with or the cute new kid in class. Don't go into it thinking he's going to be your next BF, just think you're having fun. Sometimes we just need that kind of confidence boost.

Focus On Yourself

Like I said a million times throughout this post, you need to distract yourself from your crush. A perfect way to do that is by focusing on you, not anyone else. Keep yourself busy by getting into a hobby you love that you've been neglecting. Hit up the gym to relieve some stress, have a favorite TV show marathon, read a good book, change up your beauty routine, dye your hair. Do something exciting just for you.

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