How to Differentiate Between Love and Friendship Part 2

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Be confident. You might be really nervous to try to change your relationship. That's normal! However, try to act confident. Confidence can help you find the right words to say and figure out how to make your case.

Give yourself a pep talk. Try saying something like, "I'm a fun, caring person. Bob would be lucky to be with me."

Act flirtatious. You can test the waters by casually flirting with your love interest. Start by holding eye contact for a second longer than you normally would. You can also pay more attention to them. If you're in a group setting, focus on having a conversation with them.

Try some casual touching. Lay your hand on theirs while you are laughing at a joke.

Alter your language. Friends tend to speak to each other very casually. This can mean casual nicknames, such as "buddy", "friend", or "kid". When you catch yourself using terms like this, check yourself. Those types of names are mainly used between people who are just friends. Try referring to them by their name instead.  

Ask them out. Be direct and ask them on a date. You will never know if you two will work as an item if you don't try to date. Be direct and open. Make it clear that you are proposing some one on one time.

You can say, "I'd really like to spend some one on one time with you. Would you like to have dinner with me Friday night?"

Accept that the other person might not share your feelings.
If the person you love doesn't feel the same way towards you, this can hurt. You might feel rejected and be upset with the other person. Try to understand that this person is probably not trying to hurt your feelings, but they feel it is important to be honest with you. Don't try to make the other person feel bad for not sharing your feelings. If you're not sure what to say, try some of the following:

"Thank you for being honest with me. I was hoping you'd feel differently, but I understand you can't change how you feel.""I appreciate your honesty. I'd still like to be friends, but I hope you'll understand that I may need some time to deal with my feelings."

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