Forget Your Crush

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Avoid places where your crush is likely to be. Though you don't have to change your schedule completely, if you really want to forget your crush, then you should try to avoid all of the places where you know you'll see them. Don't go to their favorite restaurant or movie theatre if you're pretty sure they'll be there on a Friday night. If you know they'll be going to a certain party and you're still feeling really hurt, then find something else to do.

This does not mean that your crush "won" and that you can't do anything fun anymore; it just means you have to avoid them for a little while until you feel better.

Mix up your routine.
If you want to get your crush out of your life, then it's time to switch things up. Have something different for breakfast. Meet a new friend for lunch instead of the same old friends. Pick up a new hobby. Drive to school or work by a different route. Though these changes may not be directly related to your crush, just making an effort to get out of the mindset that got you hung up on your crush in the first place can help you start to look at the world differently and to stop thinking the same thoughts that revolve around your crush.

Think about it: are there certain times of day when you think about your crush the most? If so, can you do something differently during those times so you will be more likely to forget about them instead? For example, if you always stare out the window on the bus ride home and think sad thoughts about your crush, find a new pump up album and listen to that during your ride home so it becomes a positive experience, instead of a time when you think about your crush.

Love the single life. If you want to really get over your crush, then you can't just be miserable by yourself and wait for someone new to come along. You have to be truly content with being on your own, doing your own thing, hanging out with your friends, and doing some casual flirting that won't lead anywhere. You should appreciate the freedom that singledom can bring and know that, while dating someone can be fun and fulfilling, it should not determine whether you're happy or sad.

Give it time. It can take weeks, or even months, to appreciate being single, but once you do, you'll see that you never really needed your crush after all – what you needed was an idea of your crush that you thought would lead you to happiness, but it wasn't the answer you were looking for, in the end.

Get ready for a new crush. Once you've done all the right things – adjusted your perspective, gotten rid of thoughts of your crush, and moved forward to do the things that make you happy – then you can really congratulate yourself for forgetting your crush. You have seen how great your life is without your crush, how amazing you are, and how lucky you are for the life you have. If you're really over your crush, then you can slowly start to open up your heart and start crushing on someone new.

If you've really moved on, then celebrate your victory and get excited about all of the love that will come your way.Trust that no matter what you do, this crush will fade over time.Avoid looking at your crush's webpages and social networking pages. Do not ask your mutual friends for details about their life. There is no need to keep track what they are doing. You have your own life to live.Distractions are the key. Keep yourself busy, but don't constantly force the certain someone out of your head. If you do, then in the long run they may keep entering your thoughts. Getting over someone is a process that has many steps, and unnaturally trying to forget someone will screw up that process. You will most likely forget this person when you least expect it.Know your limitations. If you are still young, focus on studying.Act normal when you are around your crush, don't let her feel you're upset or sad, be happy as much as you can.Delete all conversations which you have had with your crush on social media, such as Facebook. Never let those old conversations to remind you of the times you have shared with your crush.If you find yourself ruminating, remind yourself: there is no reason to waste your time on someone who does not realize how special you are. You deserve better.There are many people in the world with whom you could be happy. Maybe this person was one of them, maybe not. Either way, there are many people, including many you haven't met yet, who are or will be special to you. It is time to shift your focus to them.Don't try to rush the process. You are human and it's okay to feel hurt sometimes.Avoid looking at your crush when he is around.Delete his number, all your photos, you can even block him on social media if you want.Don't let yourself ruminate and fantasize about this person endlessly - there are other things you can be doing with your time.Do not talk behind your crush's back. Saying mean things about others mostly makes you look bad, not them.

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