How to Get Over a Crush Part 2

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Separate yourself from your crush. If you can, try to give yourself some breathing room away from the object of your affection. A lot of crushes are born of proximity, or simply being around someone who happens to be remotely likable. If you're not around this person as often, the crush might peter out on its own.

If you're crushing on a close friend: Make yourself less available. If you want to try to preserve the friendship, aim to spend as little time as possible with the other person right now without hurting his or her feelings. Or, if you trust your friend to respond compassionately, explain your problem and state that you just need a little space right now.If you're crushing on a mutual friend: If the friend of a friend is the problem, try to bow out of group social events gracefully. If you have to, explain the issue to your first friend so that he or she won't take it personally.If you're crushing on someone at school: Take this opportunity to work harder on your studies, and distract yourself from your crush. Every time you're tempted to think about him or her, open a book or drill flashcards instead. Take different routes to class or sit elsewhere at lunch if you have to.If you're crushing on a co-worker: Focus more on your work. For the time being, avoid group lunches, casual mid-day conversations, and events like happy hour.If you're crushing on someone you can't physically avoid: Mentally distance yourself instead. Being in the same room as someone doesn't mean you have to think about them, too. Think about whatever task you're doing, or daydream about all the awesome things you'll do someday — without your crush.

Meet some new people.
If your crush is always hanging out in your current group of friends, try broadening your social horizons. Making new friends will distract you from your current misery, boost your confidence, and might even lead you to someone who's a better match for you. Here are some places to start:

Find people who share your hobbies. Love trivia? Swing by a few local pubs and ask about the next trivia night. Into writing? Look around online or inquire at local colleges to find a new critique group. Play sports? Search online for intramural leagues, or look up the local chapters of leagues like the World Adult Kickball Association. The possibilities are endless!Get involved in service. Volunteer at a local shelter, or contact an organization that champions a cause you care about, like humane treatment of animals or environmental clean-up. Attend a few service events and strike up some conversations with like-minded helpers.Take advantage of school or church groups. If you're already attending a school or church that offers extracurricular activities, get involved! Party-planning committees (like for Prom or church dances), choir, service groups, or sports leagues are all possibilities.

Take care of yourself. Use this time to step back and re-evaluate ways you can improve your own life, instead of devoting all that mental capital to your crush. You'll find a few distracting tasks to take care of, and you'll be bettering your own situation at the same time.

Give yourself a mini-makeover (even if you're a guy!): Is your wardrobe feeling a little stale? Have you had the same hairstyle for too long? Pick up a few new, confidence-boosting pieces for your closet, or investigate a new haircut or color. If you're not sure how to navigate your options, ask a particularly stylish friend or family member for help.Get organized. If it's been awhile since you've cleaned out your closet/car/garage/basement, get on it! Sorting through old junk can be a meditative process, and you'll probably feel relaxed and accomplished when you're done.Work out. Exercise clears the mind — when you're so focused on pushing your body, you can't afford to worry about much else besides breathing and moving. Take up running, swimming, biking, or another activity that can both improve your body and de-junk your mind.Practice positive self-talk. It sounds silly, but it really works. Look at yourself in the mirror a few times a day, and say whatever it is that you need to hear. It might be "You'll find someone better" or "No one is worth all this moping." Repeat it until you believe it.

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