How to Let a Guy Friend Know You're Not Interested Romantically in a Nice Way

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Pick the right time and place.
If there's no question that your guy friend is suddenly getting butterflies in his stomach every time he sees you, it's time to let him know you don't feel the same way before things get out of control. But if you want to deliver the news in the best way possible, you have to pick the right time and place so he's comfortable and receptive, although you don't want it to seem like a date.

Pick a place that is not romantic. If you tell him the news at a nice restaurant, or while the sun is setting on the beach, he'll be thrown off guard. Tell him at a place where you would never go on a date.Tell him in the morning or during the day. The nighttime is more romantic.Pick a place where you'll be relatively alone and away from his friends. You don't want him to be embarrassed if other people hear you deliver the bad news.Pick a time when he's not likely to be busy or stressed-out. Don't tell him the night before a big exam, or when he has an incredibly busy day at work.Don't dawdle. Once you know he likes you, don't wait too long for the perfect moment to say something. The longer he doesn't know how you feel, the more hurt he'll be.

Prepare what you'll say. If you want to tell him in the most effective way possible, then you should prepare what you'll say in advance. If you don't know exactly how you'll explain that you don't like him romantically, you'll be much more likely to make things more awkward or to get caught in a web of excuses that make everything worse.

Prepare to keep it simple. You won't have to go into all of the reasons why you only like him as a friend.Practice your tone. Say everything you plan on saying aloud so you feel more comfortable when the time comes.

Predict his reaction. Before you tell him, you should predict how he'll react. Will he be shocked into silence, or hurt? If the guy is your friend, you should have some inkling of how he'll react, so you should prepare to react accordingly.

If he's a shy and sensitive guy, then he may not have much to say afterwards. Think of a few reassuring words you can say, or even a few light-hearted comments, that can make it easier.If he's going to be really hurt, prepare to support him. You don't have to apologize for not liking him, but you can be there for him and tell him not to be so upset. He's a great guy, and he'll definitely find someone else.

Be honest.
Don't waste time beating around the bush. Just tell him that you know he likes you, and that you're just not interested in him in that way. Tell him you wish it was different and know that it puts you in an uncomfortable place, but that you just don't see him as more than a friend.

Tell him that it wasn't easy for you to open up about this, but that it was necessary. He'll appreciate that you valued him enough to tell him the truth.Just because you're being honest doesn't mean that you should get into the top five reasons why you would never date him. If you're not feeling it, that's okay -- but you don't have to make him feel flawed or not good enough for you.

Be firm. Don't be wishy-washy about it. If you don't like him, you don't like him. Don't say that you're not at the right place in your life to like him right now, or that you'll think about it in a year, once you're done with school. This will only make you look like a flake. The more firm and clear you are, the more he'll get the message and will leave you alone on the romantic front.

Though it sounds harsh, the most important thing is to not give him hope. If he thinks there's even a chance that you'll like him later, he'll keep waiting for it to happen.Remember that being firm doesn't mean that you have to be cruel. You don't have to say that there's a 0% chance that you'll ever get together, or that there's no way you'd ever go out with him. You will essentially be saying this -- but in a nice way.Don't apologize. Though the situation is uncomfortable, and you feel bad for him, you can't help how you feel.

Don't lie or make excuses. The worst thing you can do is lie about why you won't go out with him instead of being honest and just saying you're not feeling it. Though you may think that a lie or an excuse will make him feel less rejected, the opposite is actually true. He'll be able to tell if you're bluffing from a mile away, and that will only make him feel worse. If he's really your friend, then you should respect him enough to tell him the truth. Here are some excuses you want to avoid:

Don't say, "My life is just so crazy busy right now." No matter how busy you are, you'd be able to make time for someone special. This will only make him feel unimportant, and even more hurt if he sees you with someone else a few weeks later.Don't say, "It's not you, it's me." Don't make up excuses about how you need to work on yourself before being in a relationship, or that you don't know how to commit or that you have low self-esteem. If you really wanted to be with him, you would be.Don't say, "You can do so much better than me." Don't put yourself down as a way to make him feel better. He won't.Don't say, "I like you but I don't want to ruin our friendship." Unless he's your best friend in the world, how many times is that one true?

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