How To Show A Guy You Like Him Part 3

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Laugh at the same things. Find a common thing that the two of you can laugh about, whether it's the fact that one of your mutual friends never matches, or the creepy poster in the back of your math class. Whatever reason you both have for laughing, you'll develop a deeper bond with the guy and will show him how much fun you can be.

If you find something that the two of you can laugh about, then this will create a little inside joke and will make you grow closer.You can even find the same pet peeve to laugh about. If there's an annoying teacher you both can't stand, or if you both hate a certain pop music star, you can have a good laugh over this together.

Get to know his friends. The way to a man's heart is through the respect of his friends. If you get his friends to love you, then he'll be much more likely to love you too. Hanging out and being nice to his friends will show him that you're a cool person who can get along with anyone and it will also let him see that you're showing more of an interest in him. If you didn't care about him, then you wouldn't care about his friends.

You should get to know his friends, but make sure you're not "always around," especially during dude-centric events.

Offer friendly favors.
Once you get to know him a bit, you can offer to give him a ride or to pick up lunch, if he looks like he needs a favor. If you can't do that, offer to carry something for him. Though this will be a small gesture of friendship, he'll also begin to see that you really care about him. Just make sure that he's offering to help you out from time to time too, so the relationship isn't all one-sided.

If he misses class, offer to take notes for him or to drop them off.If you're picking up coffee on the way to meet him, ask if he wants something too.Just remember to not overdo it. You're not his girlfriend yet, so you shouldn't offer to do his laundry or grocery shopping.

Ask for his number. If you've been friends for a while and are hanging out more, then it'll be natural to ask for his number. You should play it cool and not ask for it like you're asking him to go out on a date. Instead, just ask him for his number so you can text him about when everyone is meeting at the bar, send him details to your party, or whatever. If he's a nice guy, he won't say no or think it's weird.

Getting his number will increase the amount of contact you have with him. Now you can start chatting through text and can take your relationship to a new level.Once you do get his number, make sure that you're not the only one calling and texting him.Help him if he is confused or worried. This will show him that you care about him and then he might like you for being caring and kind.Don't flirt too much. If you're going to flirt, flirt mildly. If you don't, guys will think you're too much of a flirt and start making mean cracks about you. You don't want this.Don't worry if you think you've done or said something stupid, because if he likes you, he should understand.Don't pretend to be someone you're not.When you look at each other, smile then look away. This shows the guy you caught him looking and it's a flirty way to say hi!If he asks you out let him make the first move don't halfway through the date lean in to kiss him because he may not have meant it that way.Don't pretend to be someone your not just for him. If he likes you, he should like the real you, not a fake.Be honest with the guy. No one likes a liar.Remember that you are not required to have the same interests and hobbies as your guy. Guys can enjoy things that seem strange to you, don't pretend that you enjoy them too. However do be supportive of the things that make him happy. (ex: Differing tastes in music)Show you like him positively don't say anything bad about him.Try to boost your self-esteem before you actually talk to him. It'll help!If you start dating don't tell him he can't do things with friends or call him constantly.It's a good idea to be friendly to his friends, but don't seem over the top otherwise your crush might start to think you like his friends and/or are just using him to get to his friends. Just be mutual.Having a friend ask a guy out for you is not always helpful. Lots of guys like someone with self confidence.Don't feel down if you're too nervous to do these things. Just smile and/or wave.Don't be a stalker. If you know stuff about him don't go nuts to tell everyone or learn more. Learn about him as you get to know him.Just remember some guys are just looking for a good friendship.Smile to the guy but don't be a creep. Talk to his friends and you will get closer to him.Be calm. If you really like him you will either babble or be really quiet. Try to talk a bit, but not too much. Never interrupt him!Just be yourself. If he wants to change you, he's not the one.If he doesn't like you back, say "Oh, that's OK. " Smile and walk away casually.Just because you've let him know that you like him doesn't mean you've given him permission to put the moves on you faster than you'd prefer. Don't let any guy use the argument that you led him on.Flirt with him. If you're talking and just hanging out and then you have to leave you could always just say: "I like you," or "You're cute" then walk away. This will make you seem mysterious. If he doesn't like you he probably won't bring it up again. If he's interested, he will bring it up.Don't hangout with your crush 24/7. Because if you do, he'll probably think your stalking him.Often times in "The Friend Zone" a guy would be almost unable to see you in any other way but a friend. He likely would treat you like one of the guys. Understand the difference between being friends and being friend-zoned.Drama is a turn off for guys, most of the time they want nothing to do with it.When you talking to him always smile and play with your hair good luck.Don't be clingy. Guys don't like girls that are on his case all the time.If you like him, hang out with him (but not too much- don't make yourself look like a huge flirt).Don't try hating him into liking you. If he goes out with someone else, don't attack him for it, he'll just hate you.Don't start conversations about stuff they have no idea about; like makeup, girl drama, or how fat you are.Don't talk about your self.Let him know you take interest in what he has to say, and more interest about him than yourself.Don't give him too much attention.Being mean is a horrible way to let him know you're interested. This is just the perception from the media. For you, it may seem like a way to get him to notice you, but it'll just end up with him thinking you hate him.Weeping/crying is also a major turn off.If you don't want to tell your crush that you like him, ask someone else to tell him. Be careful about who you ask though! If you're not careful, things may go wrong.If you have his number, don't text him 24/7. He might think that you are stalking him.Leave a sweet note for him somewhere he will find it.Share private secrets with him if you know he's trustworthy. Tell him some that are slightly embarrassing like when you were younger you used to roll your skirt up so high that other random people were complaining they could see your knickers to something a bit more emotional like you used to have anxiety problems and are still getting over them now.Don't forget to compliment him! Everybody loves compliments. Just don't overdo it. Remember to be subtle.You shouldn't have to change just to please him. If he doesn't like you for who you are or how you act/dress, then he isn't worth your time.Don't compliment him too much or say overly sexual things. He may start to feel uncomfortable.. A real boy should love you for who you are. If you act differently and he falls for you, at some point you're going to snap back into your old self and he'll see that you've changed. Stay the same old you and simply act like you would around friends.If you know he likes you, tell him you like him (You can do it by a note, by talking to him face to face, or some other creative way)!Don't expect the relationship to progress very fast. Most likely, you will slowly start to ease into more serious actions.Don't go over the top trying to know his friends, flirting and laughing with him. If you over exaggerate on laughing with him it may sound fake. If you hang around his mates too much they might wonder why you are always hanging around with them and not your best mates.

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