Why is this guy so nice to me?

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  Find out his true intentions by asking some questions and paying attention to how he responds. Appreciate the fact that he's a good guy, because if you pass it up? Odds on you're going to date a guy who's the total opposite, and you're going to get hurt in the long run.  

Just wait and see how things turn out.

If he is just a really friendly guy, he will eventually stop being that nice to you since he will meet other people he will want to be nice to. That does not mean he will ignore you, but there is a limit to how many people a nice person can be nice to.

If he is into you, he will keep it up and show more signs of being interested in you. When he shows clear signs, it is then your turn to show your feelings towards him (assuming that you are into him). But it is really up to you as in what you want to do. You can either wait patiently, or respond back to his friendliness and hope that he is just not using you.

guys arent nice to girls without a reason, we dont believe in common courtesy, unless its to get what we want.

just kidding, but the first part is true, its painfully obvious when some1 is that nice to you that hes interested in something. espically if hes going out of his way like that to do things for you, offering you gifts is a dead give away.

The ball is in your field, you decide what to do next.

However, I know some guys are just genuinely nice to girls and yet have no crush on them.

This is true, that some guys are genuinely nice to all girls, BUT there are general rules that are followed with this. First of all, offering gifts to a girl you recently met crosses that "just friendly" line and sends a clear message that there is further interest. I say "recently met" because guys giving gifts to a long time "girl" friend doesn't fall into this rule. Another is a guy wont go out of his way to spend time with a girl that he isn't interested in, which is whats clearly happening here.

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