How to Forget About the Guy You Like

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Embrace your feelings for him, then let them go. Accept the grief, sadness, loneliness, regret, anxiety, guilt, insecurity, or other negative emotions in the order they come to you. Let yourself be sad, and let yourself heal. Ultimately, the surest path to getting over someone is to be honest with yourself.  

Talk about your feelings with a friend, a relative, or a counselor.
Don't bottle up your emotions. Ask your support system for advice, and try to understand what went wrong. If you aren't sure what to do next, these people may have the wisdom and insight to guide you.

Talk to parents, older siblings, aunts, uncles, grandparents – anyone that you feel comfortable asking for insight. You may even feel comfortable asking a favorite teacher or a leader in your community.Be careful who you trust. If you are spilling your guts to someone for whom your crush is a mutual friend, make sure that this person won't pass along what you say. It may be harder to get over the guy if there's gossip floating around.

Remind yourself that this crush is just another fish in the sea.
Consider that there are hundreds of thousands—even millions—of people with whom you can fall in love. He may seem like the one, but this doesn't mean that he is the only one. Nor does it mean you'll never find someone like him again.  

Learn from the experience.
Think about why this crush didn't work out. Maybe you were into him, but he wasn't into you; maybe he was in a relationship already, or he had eyes for someone else; maybe you said something to turn him off, or he did something that made you decide that he was bad news. Whatever the circumstances, you cannot take back what has happened. You can only absorb this, learn from it, and grow.

Think about what you would have done differently. You might be able to successfully navigate a crush situation in the future by analyzing what went wrong with this guy.Think about the sort of person that you want to pursue. Maybe this guy just wasn't right for you, even if you found yourself attracted to him. Consider which qualities will guide your future crushes, and which personality traits you want to avoid.

Avoid him for a while. If you know where he hangs out at lunch, avoid that area altogether. Find a new way. You may wind up thinking about him even more if you walk near him or you see him talking with someone else. If you're going to forget about him, you can't keep hanging around.

If you have mutual friends, consider spending less time with that particular group until you're sure that you're over him. If you don't want to give up your social circle, try focusing your attention on other members of the group instead.It may be hard to avoid this guy if you have classes together, you work together, or you are frequently drawn together by other commitments (clubs, teams, etc.). Again, try to focus your attention on other members of that group, or try to interact with the guy in a platonic way.

Keep conversations to a minimum, for a while. If he tries to talk to you, don't let yourself fall under his spell. Try not to fully engage in the conversation; give him short answers, and slip away as soon as you can. You don't need to be rude – you just might have an easier time forgetting about him if you aren't always talking to him. Bear in mind that if you have mutual friends or mutual obligations, you may eventually need to learn to interact with him in a platonic way.  

Stop checking his social media profiles for updates. It's hard to forget about someone if they're constantly popping up in your peripheral awareness. "Facebook stalking" this guy will keep you emotionally attached to him, but it won't make him feel the same way – and it isn't healthy to fixate on something unattainable. This will take discipline, but it will keep you grounded in the long run.

If you're friends with him on Facebook, but you don't want to unfriend him, consider . This way, none of his photos or statuses will show up in your Newsfeed.Train yourself not to wonder about him. Whenever you catch yourself reading one of his updates, stop yourself and keep scrolling. Let go of him and focus on the next thing. Eventually, you may be able to completely disengage your interest from him.

Get rid of things that remind you of him. This might include pictures of the two of you together, or a CD that he gave you, or a pen that you let him borrow – anything that keeps you thinking about him. If the things belong to him, give them back. If the things belong to you, give them away to a friend or a donation center. Let these reminders slip from your life, and you may find it much easier not to think about your crush.  

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