How to Tell if a Guy Is Interested in You Part 2

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Notice if he does nice things for you.
If a guy likes you he's going to want to impress you and he's going to want to be there for you. If a guy is doing nice things for you he's probably a little bit interested in you, especially if those things are coupled with some of the other signs.

He might do something like lend you his jacket when you're cold, or he might offer to buy your coffee drink even though you aren't dating, or he might offer to drive you to the airport when you have to catch a flight.Do nice things back to him. This way he'll see that you are someone who doesn't take other people for granted and that you notice and appreciate what it is that he's doing. If you aren't interested in him try not to take advantage of his interest in you.

Listen for compliments. A guy who likes you is going to want to, subtly or unsubtly, tell you how much he appreciates you. Hopefully this will extend beyond simply compliments about your appearance, but those can be nice, too.

He might compliment you on a new haircut (which means that he's been paying attention), or tell you that you're doing an awesome job on that project for school.

Notice if he doesn't listen to you. As said above, if a guy likes you (really likes you) he's going to want to know about you. That means that he's going to listen and remember when you talk. If he isn't listening, it's a pretty good bet that he's not interested. You can do better!

He's also unlikely to ask you any questions about yourself. This is a guy you definitely want to stay away from. Either he's not interested, or he is interested, but he's too much of a narcissist to really see you as a fully fledged person who's interesting in their own right.

Watch to see if he doesn't make eye contact.
While some guys can be nervous about making eye contact with a person they're interested in, at some point they usually do so. If he's looking at the room instead of you, especially if he doesn't seem to be listening to you, then he's definitely not interested.

A big warning sign for someone like this is if he's too busy checking his phone to listen to you. It means that he's more interested in other people than he is in you.

Pay attention to his body language.
His body language can tell you a bit about how he's feeling, whether he's interested or not interested. If he isn't interested his body language should make that pretty clear.

He never tries to get closer to you, or touch you, even subtly. If he doesn't do particularly nice things for you, or anything for you, this could be a sign that he's not interested.Again, even if a guy is shy or dealing with his interest by ignoring you, he's still going to want to be around you. If the guy is never around, well, that's a sign he's not interested.

He doesn't return your call within 24 hours. With a very, very few exceptions, a guy will get in touch with a girl he's interested in. He will. A text message takes five seconds to write and send, even if it's just an "I'm busy at work. I'll text you later." A guy who is interested in you won't leave you hanging, especially if he wants you so bad.  

See if he avoids meeting your friends.
If the guy always manages to wriggle out of meeting your friends he's probably not that interested in you. Yeah, you don't want to introduce him to all the friends right off the bat, but if it's been a while and he's still the mystery man to your friends? He's not that interested.

This is also true if he avoids introducing you to his friends. It shows that he's not very serious about you, because otherwise he'd be dying to show you off to his buddies.Sometimes the best way to find out if he's interested is to simply ask. This can seem nerve-wracking but it's the most mature way to handle this situation. And you never know, you may get a boyfriend out of it!Look for certain body language clues, like smiles, macho stance whenever he's in front of you, eye-batting, etc. They're sure signs a guy's definitely into you.Definitely keep in mind that this isn't an exact science. Every guy is different and while there can be similar ways of acting, it isn't always going to apply.If it feels like he is using you to boost his popularity, then don't hang out with him. This is a big no no, and in some cases can lead to a broken heart.If he's treating you like "one of the guys," then chances are he isn't interested in you in a romantic sense.

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