How To Show A Guy You Like Him Part 2

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Tell him you're open to having a boyfriend.
Just casually mention that you're looking to date someone and that you look forward to having a boyfriend. Don't make it sound like you're desperate to date anyone around you -- show him that you've put a lot of thought into it. You can be more obvious and even talk about the qualities you're looking for in a boyfriend, and list some of the things that make him special  

 You can try to get the guy to ask you out as a way to show him that you like him. Just casually talk about your upcoming plans or mention what your schedule looks like, and wait for him to ask if you want to do something when he knows you'll be free. You can say, "I'm not sure what I'm doing tomorrow night, but I want to do something fun," and wait for him to respond.

You can use your common interests to your advantage here. Mention an upcoming sports game or say that your favorite band is having a concert in town soon, and wait to see if he wants to go.

 Though there's no sure fire way to know if the guy returns your feelings, there are a variety of signs that can let you know how he really feels about you. It's best to make sure that there's at least a chance that he likes you before you move on and tell him how you feel about him. Here are a few ways to see if he likes you as more than a friend:

Notice what he says. See if he's always complimenting you, asking if you like anyone, and telling you that he wishes he had a girlfriend.Notice what he does. If he likes you, then he'll look for every excuse to hang out with you, try to make physical contact, and may even do sweet favors for you like dropping off your lunch.Notice his appearance. If he always takes extra care with his looks when he knows he'll be around you, then this may mean that he likes you.See if he's always asking you to hang out. If he's always asking you to spend time together, even it may not be at a date-type of event, then he may like you.

 If showing him that you like him just isn't doing the trick, then it may be time to tell the guy how you feel about him. You should pick a time and place where you can both be alone and free of stress, and then keep cool as you tell him that you have feelings for him. Don't put a lot of pressure on him or yourself and wait for a response.

Just relax. If he doesn't return your feelings, at least you'll know instead of worrying about it.Keep it simple. Don't overwhelm him by talking quickly and telling him the 150 reasons why you like him so much.

React appropriately. If the guy likes you, then you can hug him or just show him how happy you are, and begin to talk about going on a date and moving your relationship forward. If he doesn't return your feelings, that's OK too -- just show him how mature you are by not getting too upset, or even getting angry, because he doesn't share your feelings.

If it turns out he likes you, then you can even laugh about all the ways that you tried to show him that you liked him.If he doesn't like you, don't despair. Be proud of yourself for working up the courage to share your feelings and move on.

Take the friend approach. , then you've already set a solid foundation for your relationship. But if you're not really friends with the guy yet, then befriending him can help you show him that you like him. If you don't know the guy at all and he barely knows who you are, it'll be tougher to show him your true feelings. Also, getting to know him as a friend will help you see if you're really compatible, and will give you a chance to show him how awesome you are in a low-pressure setting.

Start by being friendly. You shouldn't ask him to hang out or reveal your most intimate thoughts to him right away. Just take it easy and start building a fun and friendly rapport with him.Ease into the friendship. Don't overwhelm the guy by always being around. Just slowly start increasing the amount of time you spend with each other.Don't fall into the Friend Zone. You should try to be his friend, but don't develop such a deep friendship that it'll get weird if you try to take things to a romantic level.

Use your common interests as a starting point. If you want to get to know the guy, you can start talking about all of the things you have in common, from your families to your favorite sports teams. If you don't have so much in common, you can learn from each other, and may find yourself picking up on some of his interests. And if you want to pretend to care a little more about his favorite sports team than you really do, then that's okay too.

Most guys love talking about sports. If you both like the same sports team or sport, you can talk about it; if not, you can read up on his favorite team and casually drop some facts.Use music as a common bond. See if you have any of the same favorite bands -- if not, ask if he has any recommendations for you. If you've developed your friendship enough, you can even make him a CD of your favorite music to grab his attention.Talk about your families. Keep it light and talk about your siblings or any pets you have or had growing up.See if you like the same type of food. If he finds out that you love sushi too, he'll be more likely to ask you to go to the new sushi bar in your neighborhood.

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