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Don't be jealous. Don't get jealous or rude when you find your crush talking to someone else. Remember, both of you aren't dating yet, and you have no right to tell this person who they can or can't talk to. If you show off your displeasure to your crush, they'd only get more annoyed with your behavior. Just pretend like it doesn't bother you.

5 tips to build the romance with alone time

The easiest way to make your crush get attracted to you is by spending time with each other when no one's around. If you notice your crush and you're with your friends, excuse yourself and walk up to your crush and start a conversation. The more alone time both of you get, the faster the attraction would build and the stronger the infatuation. 

#1 Eye contact. Make eye contact while talking to your crush. Look into their eyes while saying something, and hold your gaze. It'll seem awkward at first, but it'll send the message that you like this person.

#2 Smile and laugh. Don't be boring when you're spending alone time with your crush. Smile, laugh and tease your crush

#3 Compliments. Compliments work wonders in a conversation. It'll bring both of you closer, and it would make your crush start flirting with you even if they don't realize it themselves.  

#4 Talk about common interests. Try to find common ground in conversations. Find out more about things they like, be it movies, shows or anything else. When both of you find something in common, it'll give both of you a chance to bond over common interests.

#5 Text and call each other. Exchange phone numbers and text each other. And if you want to get flirty and naughty, text each other later in the evenings or at night.

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