21 Questions to Ask a Guy or Girl You Kinda Want to Get With

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When you're trying to get to know someone new, you can only text "what's up" so many times. And while people don't come right out and spill their deepest secrets, these sneaky questions will help reveal the stuff you can't tell on the surface — a person's hopes, dreams, and values. Ask your crush these questions one at a time, marathon them during a long drive, or split the list in half and take turns asking them to each other. It's like one giant game of truth ... or truth.

1. Would you rather leave your hometown and never be able to return again, or stay in your hometown but never be able to leave?

2. If you were really hungry, really exhausted, AND really gross, what would you do first — eat, nap, or shower?

3. Sneaking into a second movie: super-wrong or harmless fun?

4. If you had a time machine, would you go back in time or visit the future?

5. What's more important, truth or happiness?

6. If you go to a restaurant and have terrible service, is it ever OK not to tip?

7. If you could only hear one song for the rest of your life, what would it be?

8. If you could marry your celeb crush or be BFFs with your fave celeb, which would you choose?

9. What's something everyone else loves that you secretly find overrated? How come?

10. What's one book that you had to read for school that you ended up loving?

11. If you could go to any college, regardless of cost or location, where would you go?

12. Would you rather be rich or famous? (In this game, you can't be both.)

13. When you are scrolling through Instagram, would you rather see lots of posts from close friends, or from celebs you've never met?

14. Would you rather be forced to drink a Frappuccino every day FOR ETERNITY or never be able to drink a Frappuccino again?

15. Would you rather have someone give you $100 or have everyone in your class get $10?

16. Which emoji is more crucial to your life? 😂 or 😒

17. What's worse — constantly posting selfies, or NOT posting selfies just because you care too much about what people think of your selfies?

18. Would you rather have an internship with a cool boss who gives you lots of praise — but you don't really learn that much — or a hard-ass boss who never gives compliments, but teaches you a ton?

19. What food best describes your personality?

20. Would you rather have a month completely off from school (no teachers! no homework!), but you're forbidden from seeing any of your friends — or be forced to go to school for an extra month in the middle of the summer, but all your friends have to go, too?

21. For your birthday, you unwrap a tiny present from your parents, and it turns out to be the gift of a lifetime — a set of keys for your brand new car, which your parents excitedly tell you is already parked in the driveway. But when you run outside to see it, you have an immediate gut-feeling that something is wrong with the car ... very wrong. You take another step closer and your dread only grows, as if it's some kind of warning. Would you still drive the car?

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