Make the First Move As a Girl

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Make eye contact and smile.
If you've spotted someone cute at a party, event, restaurant, or bar, making the first move means simply introducing yourself and striking up a conversation. First, catch their eye and hold their gaze for a few seconds. Give them a small smile before you look away.

Glance back a few more times and try to make eye contact at least once more, so the person knows it wasn't just a fluke.The eye contact might feel uncomfortable at first. Count out 2 seconds in your head to distract yourself from the awkwardness, then glance away naturally.

Casually move closer to them. No need to make a beeline straight for them! Make it seem like you're wandering over, talking with a friend or playing on your phone as you go.

If they're sitting at another table, grab a friend and walk nonchalantly in that direction, chatting to each other to make it seem natural.

Strike up a casual conversation. This might feel like the hardest part, but it's also the most important! Sip your drink or take a bite of your food, then take a deep breath. Have a couple of easy conversation-starters in your back pocket to rely on.

Say, "Could I get your opinion on something?" Follow up with an easy question, like "Do you know of anything else fun to do around here?" or "What do you think of the music they're playing? I'm not sold."Compliment them casually. Stay away from general comments, like "You're really cute." Instead, try something more concrete and unique, like "Your socks are amazing," or "That book is great! Good choice."

Ask for their number if you're hitting it off. This is another tough step, but one that's essential if you really want to see them again. Remind yourself that if they say no, you'll never have to see them again!

You can say something like, "This is pretty out of character for me, but I really liked talking to you and would love to hang out more. Could I get your number?"If you still feel like you're testing the waters, say, "We should definitely hang out again," and then pause. If they feel the same, they'll take this as permission to ask for your number.

Don't be afraid to text them first. Send something relaxed and low-pressure. Touch on something you talked about to remind them of how well you connected, and to prompt even more conversation!

For example, you could say, "Hey, this is Rachel from the restaurant last night. It was really cool to meet you. I wish everyone could talk that much about dogs with someone they just met
Look your best whenever you're around them. You don't have to dress extremely fancy, but make sure your hair looks neat and that your face is fresh and clean. In relaxed situations, wear a cute and comfy tee and some leggings or jeans, and a little makeup if you want. If you're going to an event the person will be at, step it up a little more.
Make them jealous by talking about other people you're interested in. This will create some competition, which might make the person realize they don't want you spending time with other people. You can also spend a little less time with them to make them miss you. You'll notice them start to get a bit jealous, which means they're starting to think of you as someone they could be interested in
Invite them out for one-on-one time. Go to a movie or concert, get lunch, or swim at the pool or beach. This is especially important if you've only spent time together in a large group. Showing them that you want to hang out with just the 2 of you will tell them you want to get closer.When you ask them, make it obvious that it's not a date. Say, for example, "You're the only person I know who will sit through this new horror movie with me. Don't make me go alone!"

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